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许多开车的朋友,大概都遭遇过类似情况,遇到滂沱大雨时,就算雨刷用力地刷,刷到最快速,也依然看不清前方的视线及车距。某天,偶然从一位警察朋友口中得知,遇到这种情况时,不妨戴上墨镜,任何款式皆可,然后神奇的事情就会发生啦:突然间,原本如豆大般狂泻而下,几乎遮住所有视线的倾盆大雨,好像变不见了,眼中所看到的,只剩下前方的车辆,既清楚又不必担心视线不清。原理:因光线照射水珠会产 Many driving friends, probably have encountered a similar situation, encountered torrential rains, even if the wipers brush hard, brush to the fastest, still can not see the front of the line of sight and distance. One day, I accidentally learned from a police friend that in case of such a situation, we might as well wear sunglasses, any style can be used, and then miraculous things happen: All of a sudden, Under the cover of almost all the heavy rain, it seems to have disappeared in the eyes of seeing only the front of the vehicle, both clear and do not have to worry about blurred vision. Principle: water drops due to light will produce
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a distinct medical system that deals with the life–health–disease–environment relationship using holistic, dynamic, and
Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against natural products with low?molecular weights have become an important tool when combined with other analytical systems. East
Herbal medicines, including traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs), have been used in East countries for treating diseases such as cancer for thousands of years.
对学生而言,提高翻译能力十分重要。本文从词类转换,增词、减词,被动语态的翻译及限定性定语从句的翻译四个方面讨论了如何答好英语应用能力A级翻译试题(英译汉)。 It is im
The objective of this study is to summarize the pharmacological effects and the mechanisms of action of Xiao Chai Hu Tang (XCHT, Minor Bupleurum Decoction) on l