
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maybeen
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《广告法》的颁布实施,把我国的广告事业纳入了法制的轨道从根本上改变了广告制作和发行无法可依的被动局面.但是据国家工商局对某些大城市的广告进行检查的资料表明,违反商业道德的虚假广告,华而不实的夸饰广告仍有发生,究其原因之一,这不能不与大量模糊性词语在广告写作中的泛滥有关.下面就择其危害简而析之.一、含糊的空间表述语使广告失真广告用语必须真实地表达商品的本来面貌,使人对其特点、性能一目了然.但是,“犹抱琵琶半遮面”式的广告仍有增无减.这类广告一反清晰明了的特征,扑朔迷离,难以理解.例如:①何愁白发三千丈,且看乌云压境来.(超级星多功能特效黑发霜广告)②香飘万里,芳泽四海.(施美麝香花露水广告)这两则楹联式的广告,都试图以表述空间距离的概数词来夸赞自己商品的高品位.由于夸张格的运用,广告诗意浓浓,平增了几分潇洒,几分飘逸,几分魅力.然而,在现实生活中,有谁见过三千丈的白发者,因使用了特效黑发霜而乌云压境的;又有哪家香水能有“香飘万里,芳泽四海”的神奇功效.显然,广告是以诗化的模糊语言来表现务实的内容,以大胆的想象夸张来代替对商品真正性能的介绍,这种避实就虚,以假代真的作法,势必造成广告虚实不定,真假难辨的误区,给消费者在理解上带来失误.二、名实不符的夸饰 The promulgation and implementation of the “Advertising Law” has brought China’s advertising business into the legal system and has fundamentally changed the passive situation in which advertisement production and distribution cannot be established. However, according to the information of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce on the inspection of advertisements in certain large cities. It shows that false advertisements that violate commercial ethics are still plagued with exaggerated advertisements. One of the reasons is that this cannot but be related to the proliferation of a large number of vague words in advertising writing. Ambiguous spatial expressions make advertisements distorted. Advertisement language must truly express the original appearance of a product, making people aware of its characteristics and performance at a glance. However, the advertisement of “still holding on to cover the surface” has continued to increase. The characteristics of the advertisement are clear and unclear. It is difficult to understand. For example: 1 He has three white hairs and sees the dark clouds. (Super Star multi-purpose special effects black cream advertising) 2 Xiang Liu Wanli, Fang Ze Sihai. (Shi Mei The two advertisment advertisements are trying to praise the high quality of their own products by expressing the approximate words of the spatial distance. Because of the use of exaggerated cells, the advertisements are poetic and thick. A little casual, somewhat elegant, a bit of charm. However, in real life, anyone who saw three thousand white hair, due to the use of special effects cream and dark clouds under pressure; and which perfume can have " The magical effect of Xiang Wan Wanli and Fangze Four Seas. Obviously, advertisements are based on poetic and vague language to express pragmatic content, and instead of introducing the true performance of goods with bold imaginative exaggeration, this kind of evasion is false and false. Actually, it will inevitably lead to indefinite advertisements, misunderstandings between authenticity and falsehood, and giving consumers misunderstandings in their understanding.