在实现党校教育正规化的过程中,如何提高教学质量,是我们每个授课教师必须悉心研究的问题.下面,结合自己在科学社会主义方面的教学实际,谈谈我对如何在知识的广度、深度和更新几个方面提高教学质量的体会. 一、教师的知识结构应该宽些,仅懂得所教学科的专业知识往往是不够的.作为一名教师,不仅要有本学科的专门知识,而且应该具有与之相联系的其它学科的知识.这既是提高教学质量的要求,也是现代教学发展的趋势.例如,科学社会主义本身就是一门带有综合性的学科,它同马克思主义哲学、政治经济学,有着十分密切的联系.要把科学社会主义教
How to improve the quality of teaching in the process of standardizing the education of party schools is a problem that every teacher in our teaching must carefully study.Considering his own teaching practice in scientific socialism, Depth and update several aspects to improve the quality of teaching experience: First, the knowledge structure of teachers should be wider, only know how to teach subjects of professional knowledge is often not enough as a teacher, not only have the expertise of this discipline, but also For example, scientific socialism itself is a comprehensive discipline, which is closely related to Marxist philosophy, politics Economics, has a very close relationship .To teach scientific socialism