全方位开拓市场 多渠道搞活流通

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近年来,盐城市把开拓国内外市场,搞活农产品流通作为推进农业产业化经营、加快农村经济发展的关键措施来抓,初步形成了“市场引导调整,流通促进生产,品牌提高效益”的农村经济发展新格局。一、改变“重生产、轻流通”的传统观念,把市场开拓摆到农村经济工作的首要位置盐城市粮食、棉花、生猪、家禽、水产品质量在全省均列第一,是农业大市。这在计划经济年代,确实是一个优势;但在农产品的销售由卖方市场向买方市场转变的过程中,开始出现增产与增收不同步、甚至生产得越多反而亏损得越多的现象。面对这种新的变化,在思想认识上,我们及时引导各级干部改变过去“重生产、轻流通”的计划经济老观念,抓生产更注重抓流通,跑田头更注重跑码头,建市场更注重跑市场,实现了过去以抓 In recent years, Yancheng has taken the lead in developing domestic and foreign markets and invigorating the circulation of agricultural products as a key measure to promote the industrialization of agriculture and accelerate the development of the rural economy. It has initially formed a “market-led adjustment, circulation promotes production, and brands increase efficiency.” The new pattern of rural economic development. First, change the traditional concept of “re-production, light circulation,” and place market development at the top of rural economic work. Yancheng City ranks first among all provinces for grain, cotton, pigs, poultry and aquatic products. It is agriculture. Great market. This is indeed an advantage in the era of planned economy; however, in the process of changing the sales of agricultural products from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market, the phenomenon of increasing output and increasing income, and even producing more losses, has become more frequent. Faced with this new change, in terms of ideological understanding, we promptly guided cadres at all levels to change the old concepts of planned economy in the “re-production and light circulation”, pay more attention to the flow of production, and pay more attention to running the docks. , build market more emphasis on running the market, to achieve the past to catch
问:加工贸易企业将保税进口料件加工成半成品或成品后,可否不直接出口而转让给其他加工企业继续加工?答:加工贸易企业将保税出口料件加工成半成品或成品后不直接出口 ,必须
嗨,大家好!我是一个平凡的女孩,平凡得如同一只被人遗忘的丑小鸭,平凡得如同花季的一片簌簌落叶。但平凡的我对生活充满了热爱,对父母充满了感激。  平凡的我不用担心会陷入花季的沼泽,可以全身心地投入学习。平凡的我不必戴那种叫“温柔”的面具,不必掩饰自己内心深处的情绪。我可以随意地说笑,随意地疯闹,因为我很平凡。  平凡的我曾抱怨过造物主为何没有赋予我出众的才能,也曾埋怨过上帝为何把我塑造得如此平凡。我