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菅从进《权利制约权力论》一书立足于唯物史观,分析了权利制约权力的历史和社会根据,深入论证了权利制约权力是民主宪政秩序的基本向度的命题;提出了权利的三大基本权能概念,系统分析了国家公权主体与权利主体享有权利相对应的基本义务和法律责任问题,论证了权利制约权力的内在机制;将权力制约权力的分权制衡机制定位为权利制约权力的辅助机制,并立足于一种历史的大视野考察其历史和现实的存在根据,揭示了分权制衡机制与自主平等的社会群体有效控制公共权力的社会需求之间的内在关联性;从权利基本权能的充分确认和充分具备的实证角度,论证了相应分权制衡机制的重要性。 Based on the historical materialism, the author analyzes the historical and social basis of the power of the restriction of power and expounds in depth the proposition that the power of power is the basic orientation of the democratic constitutional order. He proposed that the third The basic concept of power, the system analyzes the basic obligations and legal responsibilities corresponding to the right of the state and the subject of rights, and demonstrates the inherent mechanism of the right to restrict power; the mechanism of the separation and checks and balances of the power of power control as the power of the right to control And based on a historical perspective, examines the existence basis of its history and reality, revealing the inherent relevance between the decentralized checks and balances mechanism and the social needs of independent and equal social groups to effectively control public power; from the right The full affirmation of the basic functions and the full positivist perspectives demonstrate the importance of the mechanism of checks and balances.
目的:研究滇白珠(G.leucocarpa var.yunnanensis)地上部分乙醇提取物的不同极性萃取部位和大孔树脂柱层析的不同浓度甲醇洗脱部位的抗氧化活性。方法:采用清除DPPH(2,2-二苯基苦味
<正> 心理契约这个概念最早是由Argyris(1960)、Levinson et al.(1962)、Schein(1965)等人在20世纪60年代提出的。他们认为心理契约是作为对构成员工-组织间交换关系和相互责
为了研究棒柄花的化学成分,采用硅胶柱层析色谱、气相色谱-质谱联用技术和重结晶方法分离和纯化广西产棒柄花(Cleidion brevipetiolatum)乙醇提取物石油醚部位和氯仿部位的化合
目的分析米非司酮对妇产科疾病的治疗效果。方法选取2017年6月—2018年6月我院收治的妇产科疾病患者60例为研究对象,在治疗过程中应用米非司酮,回顾性分析治疗效果。结果 60