光影奇幻漂流记 多技法捕捉长滩岛美景

来源 :摄影之友(摄影旅游) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jmzsren1
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菲律宾长滩是个应有尽有的旅游胜地,阳光、沙滩、椰林、美女、精彩的篝火晚会和彻夜狂欢的派对。因为没有码头,游客必须在浅水中挽起裤腿踏浪上岸,尽显长滩岛的原始风貌。质朴的当地人用双手和温暖笑容守护着这片净土。五天的行程,即便拍摄几千张照片,依然觉得意犹未尽。丰富的拍摄题材,多样的光影变换,只需略施技法,就可以收获最生动的影像。CO光影交合光线和色温塑造黄金影像长滩岛全年大部分时候气温都在20℃以上。11月份到次年4月的旅游旺季,大量游客蜂拥而入。而长滩拥有几乎是世界上最好的白沙滩,海岸线狭长且面向西,也因此成为拍摄迷人海滨景致的绝佳地方。 Long Beach, Philippines is an all-encompassing destination with sunshine, beaches, coconut groves, beauty, fabulous bonfires and party nights. Because there is no dock, visitors must roll up their trouser legs in the shallow water, full of Boracay island’s original style. The rustic natives guard the piece of Pure Land with both hands and a warm smile. Five-day trip, even if the shooting thousands of photos, still feel enough. Rich shooting themes, a variety of light and shadow transformation, just slightly applied techniques, you can reap the most vivid images. CO light and shade to co-produce light and color temperature to create golden image Boracay most of the year temperatures are above 20 ℃. November to April next year’s tourist season, a large number of tourists flocked into. Long Beach, on the other hand, boasts almost the best white sand beach in the world, with a long, narrow, west-facing coastline, making it a great place to take in scenic waterfront views.
随着自动化水平的发展,果蔬储藏库对库间温度的精确控制、上位机监控和故障处理的要求也越来越高。在此系统中,我们选用施耐德电气MICRO PLC,并通过Modbus总线实现协调控制,
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