刚竹毒蛾(Pantana phyllostachysae Chao)的初步研究

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刚竹毒蛾(Pantana phyllostachysae Chao)是我国南方毛竹产区新发生的一种重要食叶害虫。据报道,该虫在江西、福建、浙江、四川和广西等省(区)皆有分布。近几年来该虫在江西省婺源、德兴、弋阳、贵溪、万载和宜春等县相继爆发成灾,发生面积和发生周期逐渐扩大和缩短。据调查该虫在历史上曾造成过灾害。1959年该虫首先在婺源县江湾公社发生,1973年又在德兴县境内的大茅山垦殖场爆发成灾。此后,在1977年和1981年再度猖獗危害,使竹林遭受严重破坏。例如在1973年该虫大发生时,大茅山垦殖场有2500亩毛竹被食殆尽,形同火烧,造成死竹2万余根。1981年据上饶地区不完全统计,全区竹毒蛾发生面积达10万亩以上。为了有效地控制这种害虫,保护森林资源,我们对该虫的形态特征和生活习性等方面进行了初步的观察和研究,并作了药剂防治试验,现整理报道如后。 Pantana phyllostachysae Chao is a new leaf-eating pest occurring in southern bamboo producing areas in China. It is reported that the insect in Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Guangxi provinces (regions) are distributed. In recent years, the insects broke out successively in Wuyuan, Dexing, Yiyang, Guixi, Wanzai and Yichun counties in Jiangxi Province. The occurrence area and occurrence period gradually expanded and shortened. According to the investigation of the worm has caused a disaster in history. In 1959 the worm first Wuyuan County, Rivers and communes occurred in 1973, Dexing County in the Maoshan mountain farms erupted. Since then, once again rampant in 1977 and 1981 hazards, bamboo forests suffered serious damage. For example, when the worm occurred in 1973, 2,500 acres of bamboos were eaten up in the Dheshanshan reclamation site, causing the same fire, resulting in more than 20,000 dead bamboo. In 1981, according to incomplete statistics in Shangrao, the area of ​​Acinetobacter moths reached more than 100,000 mu. In order to effectively control the pests and protect the forest resources, we conducted preliminary observations and studies on the morphological characteristics and living habits of the pests and made experiments on the prevention and treatment of pesticides.
1.斑马纹病是由多种疫霉菌引起的,它们能在8天内完成一个无性世代。 2.H.11648麻的完整叶片接种上0.1毫升、浓度为25个/厘米~3的孢子液即可感病,发病率与孢子量呈正相关,伤口
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