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安徽。宁国。大小海螺山。海螺山盛产石灰石,将石灰石开采,加入粘土,经破碎、配料、磨细,然后煅烧成熟料,再将熟料加适量石膏等外加剂磨细,就成了水泥。1824年英国人J.阿斯拜丁发明真正意义上的现代水泥至今,近200年间,这种产品的性能和用途变化不大,加上运输半径的限制,似乎注定水泥行业不易出彩。但有人却凭借它,将位于海螺山边的水泥厂,变成了如今亚洲第一、世界第三的大型水泥集团。此人是安徽海螺集团董事长郭文叁。在传媒眼中,他是严谨低调的行业大佬,很少接受公开采访。在资本市场,他是纵横捭阖的驾驭者,总能传奇般地募集到令人艳羡的发展资金。而在企业经营中,他又是精明睿智的管理高手,其设计独到的管理架构,造就了海螺卓越的管理能力,也造就了“水泥行业最优秀的公司”。然而,从公开的资料中,关于郭文叁,我们只能看到只言片语。在很多场合,我们只见其企业,不见其本人。一个国有企业的掌舵者,他的管理智慧,他的战略抉择,以及他的人生思索,在他低调的背后、到底是什么样子?我们不得而知。直到2010年3月下旬的一个午后,郭文叁走进了记者的视线,而他的传奇和故事,也开始浮出水面。 Anhui. Ningguo. The size of Conch Hill. Conchshan rich in limestone, the limestone mining, adding clay, crushing, ingredients, grinding, and then calcined clinker, and then clinker plus appropriate amount of gypsum and other additives ground into cement. In 1824 the British J. Asbinderin invented a true modern cement so far, nearly 200 years, the performance of this product and use of little change, coupled with the constraints of the transport radius, it seems doomed the cement industry is not easy to get out of color. However, some people use it to turn the cement plant located on the edge of Conch into the largest cement group in Asia today and the third in the world. This person is Anhui Conch Group Chairman Guo Wensan. In the eyes of the media, he is a serious low-key industry bigwigs, seldom accept public interviews. In the capital market, he is a maneuvering leader who can always enchant the envy of development funds. In the business, he is a wise management expert, and its unique design of the management structure, creating Conch excellent management capabilities, but also created a “cement industry’s best companies.” However, from the public information, we can only see a few words about Guo Wen-san. On many occasions, we only see their business, not see their own. The helm of a state-owned enterprise, his management wisdom, his strategic choices, and his life thinking, in the end behind his low profile? We do not know. Until one afternoon in late March 2010, Kuo Wen San entered the reporter’s line of sight, and his legend and story began to surface.
传统的课堂教学是教师讲什么,学生听什么,学生是被动的接受。而新课改要求必须实现角色的转变,学生是学习的主人,教师是学生创新活动的组织者和引导者。学生在 The traditio
本文在镇江博物馆藏吴国青铜戈中,选取了品相较好、器型具有代表性的28件进行整理,并就其类型、年代等问题做了初步探讨。 In this paper, the Zhenjiang Museum possession
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