Museum VR Creates New Ways for Visitors to Explore 博物馆里的虚拟现实新体验

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  Over the past decade, Virtual Reality (VR) has gone mainstream. VR experiences can now be found at theme parks, FECs1, retail malls and even museums.
   For instance, one VR experience that has made headlines in recent years is Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass at the Louvre Museum, a collaboration with HTC Vive Arts2. Part of the Louvre’s Leonardo da Vinci exhibition in 2019/20, it brought to life the story of the iconic Mona Lisa.
   One huge benefit for museums in using VR experiences is that it allows them to bring objects, scenes and stories to life.
  For instance, this technology can be used to digitally restore famous sites such as the Colosseum in Rome. Or to transport visitors back in time, for example, to Pompeii before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. It enables people to feel part of the exhibition, rather than being a passive viewer.
   For those wanting to travel a little further afield, VR can also help us to explore other terrains. For example, the surface of the moon or the deepest oceans.
  Here are some examples of innovative ways that museums have used this technology to enhance their visitor offer:
  The Renwick Gallery, Washington D.C.
   The Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington D.C. provides a way of exploring its WONDER exhibition in VR. Using a free app, called WONDER 360, visitors can use their own device to view 360° 3D panoramic views of the gallery, alongside video interviews with the curator and some of the artists.
   The WONDER exhibition, which ran from November 2015 to July 2016, was hugely popular. It featured stunning gallery-sized installations.
   Thanks to VR technology, the works by nine leading artists are available to experience in a whole new way. Even though the physical exhibition at the museum has ended.
   “The app captures the WONDER exhibition as a moment in time and lets you carry the beauty of that experience around in your pocket, anywhere in the world. It represents a whole new way of sharing art with the public.” said Sara Snyder, chief of the museum’s media and technology office, when the app was initially released.
  The National Museum of Natural History, Paris
   Since 2018, visitors to the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, France, have been able to enjoy a fascinating VR experience. The Cabinet De Réalité Virtuelle (The Cabinet of Virtual Reality) was the first permanent museum room in the country dedicated to VR technology.    Once they enter the Cabinet of Virtual Reality, guests enjoy a specially designed programme: Journey into the Heart of Evolution. Here, they will discover the links between species and can zoom in on different creatures to learn more.
   The room is home to five VR stations, each with an HTC Vive virtual reality system. This means that five visitors can take part at the same time. There is a tactile mat on the floor so that the participants are aware of the area that they must stay within.
  The National Czech and Slovak Museum, Cedar Rapids
   The National Czech and Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, used VR in its Guts & Glory: The War Train that Shaped a Nation exhibition in 2018.
   The exhibition told the story of 60,000 Czech and Slovak soldiers who were stranded in Russia at the end of WWI. They banded together, seized the Trans-Siberian Railway, fought their way 5,000 miles to the port of Vladivostok and provided crucial support for the allies, as well as being instrumental in the formation of their new homeland: Czechoslovakia. Students from Cedar Rapids Metro High School designed replica train cars for the exhibit.
   Visitors were able to don a VR headset and put themselves in the shoes of3 a soldier on the train.
  Peterson Automotive Museum, Los Angeles
   The Peterson Automotive Museum worked with Microsoft HoloLens in 2017 to create a new exhibition. The result was an exciting VR experience. Visitors were able to interact with a classic American sports car, the Ford GT40.
   This supercar is a fascinating piece of history, and winner of several Le Mans races in the 1960s. The HoloLens allowed visitors to see the car up close, alongside a modern 2017 Ford GT for comparison. The exhibition aimed to tell a story, by blending the real and the virtual space. Visitors were further drawn into the experience by the addition of spatial audio, or surround sound. While learning about the history of the cars, they could also hear the roar of the engines and the sounds of tyres racing around a track.
  The Tate, London
   One of the Tate’s most popular exhibitions of recent years was its Modigliani retrospective of 2017/18. The Modigliani VR: The Ochre Atelier reimagines Modigliani’s final Parisian studio, where he lived and worked in the final months of his life.
   While the studio space itself still exists, it has changed much over the last century. Using the actual studio space as a template, as well as first-hand accounts, historical and technical research, the museum reconstructed the studio to accurately reflect the artist’s living environment. Each object included in the experience has been carefully researched and validated by art historians. This includes the cans of sardines, the cigarette packet and even the way the windows would have opened to let the light in.   The Victoria and Albert Museum, London
   Fans of the Lewis Carroll classic will be able to “travel down the rabbit hole” into a virtual space. People can join a “mind-bending trip” into Wonderland—without having to leave the sofa.
   The opening of the Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition has been postponed until March 2021 because of the pandemic. But the museum said an at-home, virtual reality event, ahead of the opening, will transport “visitors into the world of Wonderland”.
   “From rabbit holes to mirrors, flamingoes to hedgehogs, Wonderland is the perfect world for VR and the V&A is delighted to be pioneering our first ever VR event.”
  例如,卢浮宫博物馆与HTC Vive Arts联袂打造的《蒙娜丽莎:越界视野》VR体验项目,近年来成为新闻焦点。作为卢浮宫2019年至2020年《达·芬奇》艺术作品展的一部分,《蒙娜丽莎:越界视野》赋予达·芬奇笔下的经典人物蒙娜丽莎以鲜活的生命。
  展室内设有五个VR体验区,每个区域都配有HTC Vive虚拟现实系统,这意味着五名参观者可以同时参与体验活动。地板上铺有触觉垫,方便参与者感知各自的活动范围。
  彼得森汽车博物馆在2017年举办的一场展览中使用了微软头显。参观者在与美国经典的福特 GT40跑车互动时,可以享受刺激的VR体验。
  福特 GT40在1960年代多次获得勒芒耐力赛冠军头衔,代表着一段传奇岁月。通过微软头显,参观者不仅可以近距离观看汽车,还可以将福特 GT40与一旁现代摩登的福特2017 GT进行比较。展览旨在通过融合真实与虚拟的空间讲述一段故事。借助空间音效或环绕立体声的衬托,参观者可以获得更加真实的体验。在了解汽车历史的同时,参观者还可以听到汽车引擎的轰鸣声和轮胎行驶在赛道上的摩擦声。
  “从兔子洞到镜子,从火烈鸟到刺猬,这个奇境是体验VR技术的完美世界。维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆很高兴举办我馆成立以来的第一场VR体验活动。”     □
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