大力实施知识产权战略 推动国防科技工业创新发展

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“蛟龙”探海、“嫦娥”奔月、首艘航母试水、新一代战机初航等等,新时期我国国防科技工业取得的一系列巨大成就告诉我们,只有立足于自主创新,掌握核心技术,拥有自主知识产权,才能增强我国在高科技领域的核心竞争力,推动国防科技工业的创新发展。近年来,国防科工局高度重视知识产权工作,大力实施知识产权战略,采取了一系列扎实有效的措施,在知识产权的创造、管理、保护和运用等方面取得了突出的成效,使国防科技工业知识产权综合能力大幅提高。据悉,全行业专利申请连续6年以30%的增幅快速增长。2011年,全行业申请专利达23262件,其中发明专利占64.8%,再创历史新高。2011年有效专利持有量32798件,其中发明占36.7%。有3家军工集团公司进入中央企业有效专利排名前10名,有8家进入前30 “Dragon ” to explore the sea, “Chang’e ” to the moon, the first aircraft carrier to test the water, a new generation of fighters and so on, the new era of China’s national defense science and technology industry made a series of great achievements tell us that only based on independent innovation , Mastering core technologies and owning independent intellectual property rights can we enhance our country’s core competitiveness in the high-tech fields and promote the innovation and development of the national defense science and technology industry. In recent years, the National Defense Science and Technology Bureau has attached great importance to intellectual property work, vigorously implemented the strategy of intellectual property rights and adopted a series of solid and effective measures that have yielded outstanding results in the creation, management, protection and application of intellectual property rights, The comprehensive capability of industrial intellectual property increased substantially. It is reported that the industry-wide patent applications for 6 consecutive years with a 30% increase in rapid growth. In 2011, the entire industry applied for 23,262 patents, of which 64.8% were invention patents, hitting a record high. In 2011, the number of valid patent holdings was 32798, of which inventions accounted for 36.7%. There are 3 military industrial group companies to enter the top 10 effective patent central enterprises, 8 into the top 30
12月26日 晴  在台湾新竹,英国钢琴家贺夫指导钢琴大赛获奖者的大师班上,一位高中女生上台,乒乒乓乓以又强又快的灵活手指,弹奏了李斯特的第十号超技练习曲。曲音落下,贺夫好一阵子找不到话说,勉强称赞:“完全没有热身,一上台就能这样弹,很不容易呢!”  其实那个女生并不理解曲子的用意和内蕴,也不知弹这首曲子需怀着怎样的心情和感受,不过是钢琴技术的展现而已。自居易《琵琶行》中写琵琶女“转轴拨弦三两声,
名次企业名称资金利税率煤炭采选业1 株州洗煤厂72.152 小龙潭煤矿35.713 晋城矿务局12.194 大同矿务局11.175 潞安矿务局10.026 抚顺矿务局9.017 煤炭部大屯煤炭公司6.628
木瓜:读完《我的伯父鲁迅先生》一课,我觉得作者的巧妙构思与布局很有特色,你能跟我讲一讲吗?聪明豆:咱俩一起讨论讨论。我认为第一是开头发问,引人深思——鲁迅先生逝世 Pa
作文要为学生提供足够开放的思考与言说的空间,让他们人人有话想说。有话要说;作文指导要耐心倾听与悉心呵护,让他们人人敢于表达,乐于表达。 Essay To provide students wi