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老人和孩子。他们来自两个不同的时代,走着不同的路,过着不同的生活,怀着两种不同的心态。老人喜欢在清晨散步。他们见到淡淡的朝霞,便停下来,细细地看。一位老妪挽住老伴的胳膊,轻轻地说:早晨真美,朝霞真美,我喜欢。真希望永远是早晨。他们漫步河边,望着朝霞渐渐隐去,发出轻轻的叹息。晨风吹起丝丝华发,缕缕银白中仿佛包蕴着一段沧桑的往事……孩子喜欢在黄昏玩耍。他们见到老人喜欢淡淡的朝霞,是因为他们已走过太长的路,懂得了人生,原来一切都是淡淡的,如同烟云过眼。他们更爱早晨,是因为留恋那早晨般的一段时光。孩子喜欢浓浓的晚霞,是因为他们刚刚踏上人生旅途,没有真正体味过人生,他们那颗稚嫩的心觉得一切都很完美,浓浓的,饱满的。但是,孩子只知道享受一时的快乐,不可能懂得晚霞的凄凉,当然更不可能拥有“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”的心境…… Elderly people and children. They come from two different eras, walk different paths, live different lives, and have two different attitudes. The old man likes to walk in the early morning. When they saw a faint glow, they stopped and looked closer. An old man took his wife’s arm and said softly: The morning is beautiful and the morning glow is beautiful. I like it. Really hope is always morning. They walked by the river, watching the morning glow fade away, giving a light sigh. The morning breeze is blowing the silk hair, and it is as if the bag contains a period of vicissitudes. The children like to play at dusk. They saw the old people like the faint glow of the morning sun because they had already walked too long and understood life. Everything turned out to be faint, like smoke clouds. They love the morning more because of nostalgia for that morning. Children like thick sunsets because they have just embarked on a life journey and have not really experienced life. Their tender heart feels that everything is perfect, thick and full. However, children only know that they enjoy a moment of happiness. They cannot understand the gloom of sunset. Of course, it is even more impossible to have a “sunset is infinite, but near dusk”.
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