Novel CDH1 germline mutations identified in Chinese gastric cancer patients

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu8423824
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AIM:To give a comprehensive report of E-cadheringene (CDH1) variations in a population at a high risk for gastric cancer (GC).METHODS:The samples consisted of 178 men and 58 women with a mean age of 62.3 ± 9.4 years and an age range of 30-84 years.A total of 240 cancerfree controls were recruited (mean age of 61.8 ± 10.1 years,age range of 26-82 years).Samples were screened for CDH1 germline mutations by high-resolution melting analysis or directly sequencing.Luciferase reporter assay,RNA splicing assay and bioinformatic analysis were used to evaluate the effect of mutations.RESULTS:Four novel CDH1 sequence alterations were identified in GC patients including a G>T transition 49 bp before the start codon;a three-nucleotide deletion,c.44_46del TGC;one missense mutation,c.604G>A (V202I);and one variation in the intron,c.1320+7A>G.In addition,polymorphism frequencies were observed for CDH1-164delT,-161C>A,-73A>C,c.48+6C>T,c.48+62_48+63delinsCGTGCCCCAGCCC,c.894C>T (A298A),c.1224G>A (A408A),c.1888C>G (L630V),c.2076T>C (A692A),and c.2253C>T (N751N) which is similar to the data reported in splicing analysis suggested that the c.1320+7A>G and c.1224G>A variations did not affect exon splicing ability.Luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that the c.-49T variation might be helpful for E-cadherin transcription,though the increase in transcription activity is limited (only 33%).SIFT score and PolyPhen analysis both demonstrated that the L630V missense mutation probably damages protein function,while the V202I variant does not.CONCLUSION:This study reveals novel mutations in sporadic GC patients which had been poorly investigated for susceptibility genes. AIM: To give a comprehensive report of E-cadherin gene (CDH1) variations in a population at a high risk for gastric cancer (GC) .METHODS: The samples consisted of 178 men and 58 women with a mean age of 62.3 ± 9.4 years and an age range of 30-84 years. A total of 240 cancerfree controls were recruited (mean age of 61.8 ± 10.1 years, age range of 26-82 years). Samples were screened for CDH1 germline mutations by high-resolution melting analysis or directly sequencing. Luciferase assay were used to evaluate the effect of mutations .RESULTS: Four novel CDH1 sequence alterations were identified in GC patients including a G> T transition 49 bp before the start codon; a three-nucleotide deletion, c.44_46del TGC; one missense mutation, c.604G> A (V202I); and one variation in the intron, c.1320 + 7A> G. In addition, polymorphism frequencies were observed for CDH1-164delT, -161C> A, -73A> C, c.48 + 6C> T, c.48 + 62_48 + 63delinsCGTGCCCCAGCCC, c.894C> T (A298A), c.1224G> A A), c.1888C> G (L630V), c.2076T> C (A692A), and c.2253C> T (N751N) which is similar to the data reported in http: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov / projects / SNP / .RNA splicing analysis suggested that the c.1320 + 7A> G and c.1224G> A variations did not affect exon splicing ability. Luciferase reporter assay that the c.-49T variation might be helpful for E -cadherin transcription, though the increase in transcription activity is limited (only 33%). SIFT score and PolyPhen analysis both demonstrated that the L630V missense mutation probably damages protein function, while the V202I variant does not. CONCLUSION: This study reveals novel mutations in sporadic GC patients which had been poorly investigated for susceptibility genes.
当今气候变化对人类生存的威胁,以及能源短缺对经济社会发展的制约,已引起国际社会的高 度关注。以化石能源的高消耗为代价的传统经济模式难以为继,低碳经济应运而生。本文概述
地球海平面上升问题中的各种数据获取,是科学家们的责任,但人类 在此问题上知识的增长并不意味着对某种常识的把握,这个常识便是,海平面上 升,最先遭受灭顶之灾的是大洋中的岛屿国
“碳源转移”是由国际碳交易市场的缺陷所带来的高碳产业从附件1 国家向非附件1 国家转移的现 象。本文以《京都议定书》的“共同而有区别的责任”为背景,分析了碳源转移产生
二氧化碳的排放主要来源于工业生产过程中消耗的石化能源。作为生产的主体,工 业企业的低碳生产意愿将直接影响其生产行为并最终影响二氧化碳排放总量。本文尝试性地 利用带罚
这是一个从管理科学的角度进行研究而得出的社会突变理论。由 于科学的进步和知识的积累,人类目前正处在一个向更高级社会跃迁的前夜,但 世界所有的国家对此却浑然不知。 当今
目的:为了更好地调动知识分子的积极性,使其充分发挥才能,作 者提出,卫生技术人员和其他专业技术人员晋升高级专业技术职务任 职资格申报、评审条件该改革的建议。方法:根据目前晋