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土地价格,一直是所有开发区最敏感的问题之一。近日,记者了解到有关苏州工业园区土地价格的几个数字,从中可以观察到他们发人深思的“土地观”数字一:15.78亿美元15.78亿美元,是苏州工业园区每平方公里工业用地平均吸引的外商投资金额。外资投资强度,被视作开发区引资力度、产业档次的重要指标,也是衡量土地集约使用效益的主要依据。在工业用地有限甚至趋紧的情况下,单位面积上的资金量越高,就意味着引资的“含金量”越高。按照有关规定:省级以上开发区的集约使用密度,不得低于5亿美元/平方公里,而苏州工业园区的外商投资强度3倍于此。这一数字,在全国各开发区中也高居首位。检点苏州工业园区,它创造了一份份令国内外很多园区倾羡不巳的“成绩单”:9年中,苏州工业园区一共向国内外客商转让工业用地7平方公里。经过开发的这7平方公里工业用地,引进373个工业项目,来自欧美、亚太的20多个国家和地区的投 Land prices have always been one of the most sensitive issues in all development zones. Recently, the reporter learned about the Suzhou Industrial Park land prices a few figures, from which they can be observed their thought-provoking “land concept” Number one: 1.578 billion US dollars 1.578 billion US dollars, Suzhou Industrial Park is an area of ​​industrial land per square kilometer The average amount of foreign investment attracted. The intensity of foreign investment is regarded as an important indicator of the intensity of attracting investment and the grade of industry in the development zone and also the main basis for measuring the intensive use efficiency of land. In the case of limited or even tightened industrial land, the higher amount of funds per unit area means the higher the “gold content” of foreign investment. According to the relevant regulations, the intensive use density of the development zones above the provincial level should not be less than 500 million U.S. dollars per square kilometer, while the intensity of foreign investment in Suzhou Industrial Park is three times higher than that. This figure ranks the first among all the development zones in the country. Checkpoint Suzhou Industrial Park, it created a copy of many domestic and foreign envy did not envy “Report card ”: 9 years, Suzhou Industrial Park, a total of 7 square kilometers of industrial land transfer to domestic and foreign merchants. After the development of this 7 square kilometers of industrial land, the introduction of 373 industrial projects from Europe and the United States, Asia Pacific over 20 countries and regions voted
故园旧照忆当年 峥嵘岁月 闪现犹当前 亲手创业苦也甜 改革潮涌起波澜 …… 这首三线人充满激情的诗篇,把人们的记忆带回到了那艰苦卓绝、奋勇拼搏的年代。从80年代初期开始
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一、我国废旧轮胎回收利用现状及存在的问题废轮胎是指已经失去使用价值的轮胎 ;旧轮胎是指胎体较好 ,经过翻新修复后能继续使用的轮胎。废旧轮胎是一种很难降解的高分子有机