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一、建立档案馆优良馆风的意义 档案馆馆风是指档案馆工作人员的思想作风、工作作风、生活作风等在档案服务工作中的综合反映,是档案馆绝大多数人员能够接受并在一定范围内得到认可的群体意识和精神风貌。档案服务工作是档案馆与外界联系的纽带,是档案馆馆风得以体现的主战场。优良馆风可以增强档案馆工作人员对集体的荣辱观念和归属感、自豪感、自信心,增强在目标一致基础上的内部凝聚力,使大家自觉维护集体的荣誉,为档案馆建设增砖添瓦。在优良馆风环境中,健康的东西迅速成长,不健康的行为会受到群体的谴责和抵制,即优良馆风可使档案馆扬善抑恶,健康发展。可见,建立档案馆优良馆风具有十分重要的意义。优良馆风一旦形成,就如在馆员心目中建立了 First, the establishment of the significance of the archives Museum Museum style Archives Museum style refers to the ideological style of the staff of the archives, style of work, style of life and other integrated services in the archive reflect the vast majority of personnel archives can accept and Within a certain range of recognized group awareness and mental outlook. File service work is the link between the archives and the outside world, is the main battlefield of the archives Museum style can be reflected. Excellent museum style can enhance the archives staff collective sense of honor and belonging and sense of belonging, pride, self-confidence and enhance the cohesion on the basis of the same goal, so that we consciously safeguard the collective honor for the archives building by brick . In the excellent environment of the museum, the rapid growth of healthy things, unhealthy behavior will be condemned and boycott groups, that is, the excellent museum style can make the archives better and worse, and healthy development. Visible, the establishment of an excellent archives Museum has a very important significance. Once the excellent style of the museum is formed, it is just like the establishment of the librarian
千古乘鸾梦非空,一舟飞天惊寰中。巡天转月国力鉴,返地回风科技功。不争霸主济不虚,但谋神州舞蟠龙。轩辕一脉中兴业,自此同收攀高峰。 Eternity by dreams non-empty, a b