Issues Influencing Power Energy Efficiency in the 11th Five-Year Plan Period

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<正>Incessant promotion of power efficiency Since long, power industrial energy-saving specifications, standards and management systems has been systematically established pursuant to state laws, regulations and policies, and been steadily improved t
<正> 一粉碎“四人帮”以后,政治上的左倾路线很快得到了清算,但是人们的经济上“左”倾路线的危害性,却没有充分认识到。由于经济工作中长期以来受“左”倾路线的影响,导致
<正> 一建国以来,我国工业发展速度较快,这是我国社会主义计划经济的优越性。在建立健全产品成本管理方面,积累了不少经验,取得了一定效果。但是,由于经济战线上“左”的思想
No.2 generating unit (600 MW) of Hequ Power Plant in Shanxi Province was put successfully into 168-hour trial operation on January 5 this year, Its total constr
According to the National Development Reform Commission (NDRC), the whole society&#39;s electricity consumption is expected to come up to 2400 TWh this year. In
<正> (第八组) 1.编制会计报表的一般要求是什么?各有什么具体内容? 2.某企业1983年费用总额实际120,000元,1984年计划费用率比八三年实际下降速度20%,计划销售额比83年实际
<正>The unit 7 in Zouxian Power Plant of Huadian International smoothly finished 168-h trial operation on December 4. This is one of the first backing projects
<正> 今年以来,武昌区税务局一科本着开创税收工作新局面的要求,帮助武汉胶管厂,采用新材料、降低成本,提高效益,开展“一条龙”“支、帮、促”活动,使四家工厂受益获得企业