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据说,蝉蛰伏地下数年,历九九八十—难,始才羽化登仙,一鸣惊人;据说,人因直立行走而消失了尾巴,同时脊椎也丧失了弹性;据说,好的拳击手不在乎被对方击倒,而在于击倒后迅速爬起来并坚持到最后的胜利; It is said that crouching underground for several years, calendar ninety-nine eighty-nine, before the equintal began to demons, a blockbuster; it is said that because people walk upright and disappeared their tails, while the spine also lost its elasticity; it is said that good boxers do not care about each other Knocked down, but quickly climbed up after the knockdown and insisted on the final victory;
扩大完善在中国市场的产品线,依靠合作伙伴,共同开拓市场。 Expand and improve the product line in the Chinese market and rely on partners to jointly develop the ma
重组后高阳金时力无论在资金、技术,还是规模上更加趋于完善。 After the reorganization, Gao Yangjin’s strength has become more complete in terms of capital, techn
巡展让用户亲自感受Sony为商务办公所提供的全新体验。 The tour allows users to personally experience Sony’s new experience for business offices.
IT企业为了更好的与国际企业展开良好的业务来往,就必须要拿到国际质量管理体系有关部门标准认证证书。 In order to better conduct business with international companie
借力合作伙伴,建立营销网络体系,出击通信市场。 Leveraging on partners to establish a marketing network system and attack the communications market.
台湾建基以“Always Open”之信念正式“安营扎寨”祖国大陆,其优质的产品,企业文化之精髓成为国内用户选择PC产品强有力的供应商。 Taiwan’s Jianji officially establish
着眼未来,推出全新数码网络产品 Focus on the future, launch new digital network products
工作站绘图卡市场正在快速成长,艾尔莎表示将很好地抓住这个市场机会。 The workstation graphics card market is growing rapidly, Elsa said it will seize this market