随着10月31日《忍者神龟》真人电影在中国公映的日子临近,四只功夫海龟的人气也是水涨船高。此前,这部真人电影已经在北美斩获1.8亿美元,有理由相信,这部在中国有着广泛人缘的经典动漫改编之作也会有上佳表现。从1984年到2014年,三十年间,忍者神龟依然上演着属于它们的传奇。1200美元造就四大超级明星“忍者神龟”作为一个品牌,最早出自1984年由美国多佛新汉普郡的幻影工作室发行的一部漫画。整个作品的构思源自于其创始人凯文·伊斯特曼(Kevin Eastman)及其友人皮特·拉尔德(Peter Laird)在一次头脑风暴中形成的一幅异想天开的草图。1983年的某一日,结束了一天的工作后,凯文和皮特在皮特家休息。当时,皮特正在从事插图编辑的工作,
As October 10, “Ninja Turtles” live-action film released in China, the day approaching, the popularity of four kung fu turtles is also rising. Previously, this live action movie has gained 180 million U.S. dollars in North America. There is reason to believe that this adaptation of the classic anime featuring a wide range of popular in China will also have a good performance. From 1984 to 2014, three decades, Ninja Turtles still staged their legend. $ 1,200 to create the four superstars “Ninja Turtles ” as a brand, first from 1984 by the United States Dover New Hampshire phantom studio issued a comic. The entire project was conceived in a whimsical sketch of a brainstorm from its founder, Kevin Eastman, and his friend, Peter Laird. One day in 1983, after a day’s work, Kevin and Peter rested at the Peelers. At the time, Pitt was working on illustration editing,