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用免疫组织化学方法观察福尔马林脚掌皮下注射和足三里穴电针后清醒大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)中快速反应基因c-fos在含甲啡肽神经元中的表达。实验中看到福尔马林注射组和电针刺激组动物的PAG内均有Fos样免疫阳性反应(FLI)标记神经元及FLI与甲啡肽样免疫阳性反应(MELI)双标记神经元,它们在PAG的腹侧腹外侧部分布较多,对照动物FLI标记神经元很少,共存现象极为少见。实验组与对照组神经无计数经统计处理差异非常显著。这一结果表明,福尔马林致痛和电针都能诱导PAG中含脑啡肽神经元内(c-fos的表达,提示伤害性刺激及针刺均可激活PAG的腹侧腹外侧部这一重要的中枢镇痛部位。神经元中FLI与MELI的并存提示PAG中Fos可能对前脑啡肽原基因表达有调控作用。 Immunohistochemistry was used to observe the expression of c-fos, a fast response gene, in the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) of the awake rats after subcutaneous injection of formalin into the feet and electroacupuncture of the Zusanli acupoint. In the experiment, Fos-like immunoreactive (FLI) labeled neurons and double-labeled neurons of FLI and MELE were found in PAG of both formalin-injected group and EA-stimulated group. They are more in the ventral part of the ventral part of PAG cloth, control animals FLI labeled neurons few coexistence is extremely rare. The experimental group and the control group no statistical treatment of nerve count is very significant difference. This result indicates that both formalin-induced pain and electroacupuncture can induce the expression of c-fos in neurons of PAG containing enkephalin (suggesting that noxious stimulation and acupuncture can activate the ventral lateral part of PAG This important central analgesic site. The coexistence of FLI and MELI in neurons suggests that Fos may play a regulatory role in proenkephalin gene expression in PAG.
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<正> 研究历史和研究社会科学这两者的根本出发点都是为了分析和了解人类。这两门学科所关注的也是同一个主题,即社会关系及其发展。同样,两者的相似之处也就在于它们的目的都是要得到所有社会状况及其发展的有关知识。因此,从社会科学和