走进美丽的雁鸣湖 探访隐在大山里的纳豆基地——雁鸣湖纳豆城市合伙人专题之二

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山水灵秀地,大美雁鸣湖!小小纳豆的产地,竟是如此之美!大美雁鸣湖湿地保护区纳豆生长环境绿色天然早听说雁鸣湖纳豆,能有效溶栓,我们决定去厂家一探究竟。2017年7月26日早,我们一行10人从长春出发,乘坐动车赶往吉林省敦化市。大家此行的目的,探访坐落在国家级湿地自然保护区雁鸣湖镇的“雁鸣湖大豆生物科技责任有限公司”。两小时后,当我们抵达敦化市火车站的时候,雁鸣湖大豆生物公司的王万奎经理和司机早就等候在那里。从敦化市火车站驱车赶往雁鸣湖镇,约一个多小时的路程,一路上大家目不转睛地欣 Beautiful scenery, the beautiful Yanming Lake! The origin of small natto, actually so beautiful! The United States Yanming Lake Wetland Conservation Area Natto green environment As early as I heard Yanming Lake Natto, effective thrombolysis, We decided to go to the factory to find out. As early as July 26, 2017, 10 people from Changchun departed from Changchun and took the shuttle bus to Dunhua, Jilin Province. We visit the purpose of this trip, is located in the National Wetland Nature Reserve Yanming Lake town “Yanming Lake Soybean Biotechnology Co., Ltd. ”. Two hours later, when we arrived at Dunhua Railway Station, Wang Wan-kui, manager of Yannye Soybean Co., Ltd. and the driver had been waiting there for a long time. From Dunhua City Railway Station drove to Yanming Lake town, about an hour’s journey, all the way we are intently Xin
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