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“国家级继续医学教育专栏”栏目从本期开始正式与读者见面了。在这个栏目中将继续坚持“面向临床 ,突出实用 ,提高广大临床儿科医生的诊断治疗水平”的办刊宗旨 ,急广大临床儿科医生所急 ,想广大临床儿科医生所想 ,在选题上着力于临床上的热点、疑点和难点 ,介绍新理论、新概念、新知识、新技术。本栏目的文章均邀请国内学术造诣较深的专家、学者撰稿。本栏目的开辟是经中华医学会继续医学教育部审核批准 [中华医学会医教备字第 (2 0 0 1) 136号文件 ],报名参加的读者只要按时正确答出各期的思考题 ,就可以获得“Ⅰ类国家级继续医学教育学分” ,具体答题办法请见本期“国家级继续医学教育专栏”答题指南。本刊开辟的这个新栏目 ,在设计和策划上开始可能不一定很成熟 ,希望广大读者多提宝贵意见 ,并将您们在临床上遇到的热点、疑点和难点问题提供给编辑部 ,以便从中提出更切合实际的选题 ,满足广大临床儿科医生的需求。2 0 0 1年本刊“国家级继续医学教育专栏”的安排如下 :第 7期 :全身炎症反应综合征的诊断 ;第 8期 :全身炎症反应综合征各期的临床处理 ;第 9、10期 :酸碱失衡与水电解质紊乱、三重酸碱失衡的诊断及处理 ;第 11、12期 :小儿哮喘的诊断和哮喘药物的应用。 The column of “National Continuing Medical Education” formally met with the readers from this issue. In this column will continue to adhere to the “clinical-oriented, practical and improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment of clinical pediatricians,” the purpose of running the journal, the urgent need for the majority of clinical pediatricians, the vast majority of clinical pediatricians want to focus on the topics selected In the clinical hot spots, doubts and difficulties, introduce new theories, new concepts, new knowledge, new technologies. This column of articles are invited domestic academic attainments of experts, scholars writing. The development of this column is approved by the Chinese Medical Association for Continuing Medical Education [Chinese Medical Association medical education text (No. 200001) No. 136], the registration of readers as long as the correct answer to the questions on time, You can get “Class I continuing medical education credits”, the specific answer methods please see this “national continuing medical education column” answer guide. This new column opened up in the design and planning may not be very mature, I hope the readers put forward more valuable comments, and you encounter in the clinical hot, doubtful and difficult issues to the editorial department, so that From which to put forward more realistic topics to meet the needs of the majority of clinical pediatricians. The publication of “National Continuing Medical Education Column” in 2001 is as follows: No. 7: Diagnosis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome; No. 8: Clinical treatment of various stages of systemic inflammatory response syndrome; No. 9, Period: acid-base imbalance and water and electrolyte disorders, triple acid-base imbalance in the diagnosis and treatment; 11, 12: Diagnosis of pediatric asthma and asthma drugs.
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