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俗话说,国家兴亡,匹夫有责, 可知责任对人是多么重要。那么,作为一名中学生,又有哪些责任呢? 对自己的责任做为一名初中生的我,责任就是珍惜每一分钟,好好学习。不放弃任何一个学习的机会,和同学互相交流心得。对班级的责任俗话说,班兴我荣,班衰我耻。为班争光,为己争气,义不容辞。就拿我来说吧!做为一名班干部,责任就是要做一个堂堂正正的让大家信赖的班长,管好班里的任何事情。只要朋友、同学需要我,我会尽自己的全 As the saying goes, the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the people. We can see how important responsibility is to people. Then, as a middle school student, what are the responsibilities? For my own responsibility as a junior high school student, my responsibility is to cherish every minute and study hard. Do not give up any chance of learning and exchange ideas with your classmates. Responsibility for Classes As the saying goes, I am proud of my class and my class is shameful. Gain glory for the class and live up to its own spirit. Take me for it! As a class cadre, the responsibility is to be a squad leader who is upright and trustworthy and manages everything in the class. As long as friends and classmates need me, I will try my best
At a rice wheat rotational free air CO 2 enrichment(FACE) platform, the effect of elevated atmospheric CO 2 on soil nematode communities in a farmland ecosystem
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主席丰台一席话 毛主席在每年的国庆节前出巡各地然后回北京是有规律的。1971年这一次南巡是经津浦路回来的,在途中到达济南时通知李德生、纪登奎、我和吴忠到丰台谈话。9月
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