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《档案法》的颁布实施,使档案管理工作有了充分的法律依据.对档案管理、保护、利用以及协调档案管理部门和人员与社会各方面的关系,无疑发挥着日益重要的调整作用.《档案法》颁布实施七年来,各级党委、政府和档案业务主管部门在学习、宣传、贯彻《档案法》方面做了大量工作,增强了社会档案意识,促进了档案事业的发展.但在工作实践中,我们发现仍有一些部门和领导对档案重作没有引起足够的重视.(?)档案职务建设,违反《档案法》的现象时有发生,给档案事业造成了不应有的损失.从我市来看,由于建市较晚,档案建设可以说刚刚起步、虽对《档案法》进行了深入的学习,广泛的宣传,也取得了明显的效果,但也存有执法不够严,违法事件不能得到很好,的纠正等现象,在一定程度上影响了档案管理的规范化、科学化、下面结合我市档案管理工作实际、就实现档案管理的规范化、科学化问题谈一点粗浅的看法. The promulgation and implementation of the “Archives Law” has provided ample legal basis for the management of archives and undoubtedly plays an increasingly important regulatory role in the management, protection and utilization of archives and in coordinating the management of archives departments and personnel with all aspects of society. In the seven years since the promulgation and implementation of the “Archives Law”, the party committees, governments and departments in charge of archives at all levels have done a great deal of work in studying, publicizing and implementing the “Archives Law”, enhanced the awareness of social archives and promoted the development of archives. In practice, we found that there are still some departments and leaders that have not given enough attention to archives duplication. (?) The construction of archives and the violation of the Archives Law have occurred from time to time, causing undue losses to the archives. From the perspective of the city, due to the late construction of the city, the file construction can be said to have just started. Although the “Archives Law” has been thoroughly studied and extensively publicized, obvious results have been achieved. However, Illegal incidents can not be well, the correction and other phenomena, to a certain extent, affected the standardization of file management, scientific, the following combination of the actual work of the file management in our city Standardization of file management of existing scientific problems on a more superficial view.
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