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近年来,由于云计算、物联网的兴起,以及宽带的普及和增速,使得当前的数据中心基建形态逐渐走向五层架构——基础设施层、服务器等硬件设备层、虚拟化层、平台和应用层。UPS产品线也开始加速向复合式的发展结构演进,UPS厂商目前主要关注基础设施层,其中包含了数据中心供电、制冷、布线、管理等多个环节,事实上,数据中心强劲的增长势头,无论是从产品集成或是服务运维上皆为UPS上下游提供了新的增长机会。值得关注的是,UPS从产品特性上开始强调不再只是单一的不间断供电设 In recent years, due to the rise of cloud computing, the emergence of Internet of things, and the popularization and growth of broadband, the current data center infrastructures gradually move toward the five-tier architecture - hardware layer such as infrastructure layer and server, virtualization layer, platform and Application layer. The UPS product line is also beginning to accelerate its evolution to a hybrid development structure. UPS vendors are currently focusing on the infrastructure layer, which includes data center power supply, cooling, cabling and management. In fact, the strong growth momentum in the data center, Whether it is from the product integration or service operation and maintenance are on UPS upstream and downstream provide new growth opportunities. It is noteworthy that, UPS from the product features began to emphasize that no longer just a single uninterruptible power supply
唐朝著名诗人王之涣有一首诗《登鹳鹊楼》: 白日依山尽,黄河入海流. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼. 很多人都把“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”当作追求理想的座右铭.其中“千里”泛指