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这两套测试题依据2000年新修订的《考试说明》的精神编写,强调基础知识、基本技能,突出了读、写、文学鉴赏诸项能力及其综合能力的训练。试题的拟制,在依据《考试说明》基础上,参照了1999年高考试题和2000年北京、安徽春季高考试题;试题的结构、题型、难度、长度、题量以及考查的内容和范围均与《考试说明》一致,考虑到训练、诊断的需要,某些局部作了适当的调整。试卷未涉及语音、标点及常见应用文的考查;在“语言知识和语言表达”部分增加了“压缩语段”“概括”的训练题(因受限于篇幅,未及“扩展语句”);文言文加大了关于“阅读能力”(如“筛选并提取文中的信息”)的训练力度;科技文的选文适当增大了长度,丰富了信息量,并且特别关注“根据文章进行推断和想象”能力的训练;第四、五、六大题的设题和评价标准的制定,注意了开放性和有利于考生创造性发挥的特点,写作题不仅为优秀学生展示才华、表现个性提供了广阔的写作空间,也为中等考生写作能力的提升铺设了阶梯;文学鉴赏,体现内容丰富,形式多样特点。这是两份有针对性、有一定训练价值的测试习题。训练后,要讲评到位,以使训练获得最佳效果。 The two sets of test questions were written according to the spirit of the newly revised “Exam Description” in 2000, emphasizing basic knowledge and basic skills, highlighting the ability to read, write, and literary appreciation and their comprehensive ability. Based on the “Examination Notes”, the proposed test system is based on the 1999 high test questions and the 2000 Beijing and Anhui spring test questions. The structure, type, difficulty, length, and quantity of questions and the content and scope of the test are all Consistent with the “exam description”, some localities have made appropriate adjustments in consideration of the need for training and diagnosis. The examination papers did not involve the examination of pronunciation, punctuation and common application texts; in the “Language Knowledge and Language Expressions” section, the “compressed texts” and “summary” training questions were added (because it was limited to space, not to “extended statements”); Intensified training on “reading ability” (such as “screening and extracting information in the text”); the selection of scientific and technological texts appropriately increased the length, enriched the amount of information, and paid special attention to “inferring and imagining based on articles.” Ability training; formulation of the fourth, fifth, and sixth questions and the formulation of evaluation criteria, paying attention to the openness and the characteristics that are conducive to the candidate’s creative play. The writing questions not only provide excellent writing for talented students to display their talents but also express their individuality. Space also lays a ladder for the improvement of writing ability of middle candidates; literary appreciation reveals rich contents and diverse forms. This is two targeted test exercises with certain training value. After training, it is necessary to comment on the position so that the training can achieve the best results.
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