Changes in groundwater levels and the response of natural vegetation to transfer of water to the low

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhm4150175
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Restoration and reconstruction of the degraded Tarim River ecosystem is an important challenge. A goal of an ecological water conveyance project is to protect and restore the natural vegetation in the lower reaches of Tarim River by transferring water from Bosten Lake, through the river channel, to the lower reaches. This study describes the changes in groundwater depth during the water transfer and the respondence of riparian vegetation to alterations in groundwater levels. The results indicate that groundwater depth along the Tarim River channel has a significant spatial-temporal component. Groundwater levels closest to the river channel show the most immediate and pronounced changes as a response to water transfer while those further away respond more slowly, although the observed change appears to be longer in duration. With a rise in the groundwater level, natural vegetation responded with higher growth rates, biomass and biodiversity. These favorable changes show that it is feasible to protect and restore the degraded natural vegetation by raising the groundwater depth. Plant communities are likely to reflect the hysteresis phenomenon, requiring higher water levels to initiate and stimulate desired growth than what may be needed to maintain the plant community. Because different species have different ecologies, including different root depths and densities and water needs, their response to increasing water availability will be spatially and temporally heterogenous. The response of vegetation is also influenced by microtopography and watering style. This paper discusses strategies for the protection and restoration of the degraded vegetation in the lower reaches of the Tarim River and provides information to complement ongoing theoretical research into ecological restoration in arid or semi-arid ecosystems.
2台日立盾构机正在北京地铁10号线二期工程17标施工现场日以继夜地作业,该项目已经完成了火器营站至终点区间的隧道施工,余下工程预计将在2011年4月中旬完成。 The two Hita
摘 要:新疆玛纳斯县隶属于新疆维吾尔自治区昌吉回族自治州,地处新疆腹地,与北部塔城、西部伊宁呈三角鼎立之势,素有乌鲁木齐“西大门”之称。区内光、热自然资源丰富,昼夜温差大,非常适合棉花种植。近年来,棉花产业已经成为玛纳斯县的重要支柱产业,在新疆地区具有非常重要的地位。然而在开展棉花种植的过程中,常常会受到病虫害的侵袭,给当地棉花的产量造成非常严重的影响,同时又直接影响棉农的经济收入。因此,加强棉花
1 中国A股码头上市公司指数走势rn本期中国A股码头上市公司指数振荡下行,4月29日收于 73.8点,比3月收盘水平大幅下挫11%.4月沪深300指数在3 200点附近波动,月末收于3 157点,走