省劳动保障厅召开《山东省劳动和社会保障监察条例》颁布实施新闻发布会 李戈厅长到会并讲话

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10月26日,省九届人大常委会第17次会议审议通过了《山东省劳动和社会保障监察条例》(以下简称《条例》)。11月1日,省劳动保障厅在济南召开了《山东省劳动和社会保障监察条例》颁布实施新闻发布会,驻济新闻单位和中央、省属企事业单位的代表参加了会议。李戈厅长到会并作重要讲话。李戈说,《条例》的颁布实施将大大促进我省劳动保障监察工作的开展,对于整个劳动保障工作乃至于全省的经济发展和社会稳定都具有重要的意义。首先,它使我省劳动保障法律、法规体系进一步完善,为劳动保障法律、法规体系增添了新的内容,使我省在建立与市场经济体制相适应的劳动保障法规体系方面迈出了新的重要的一步。其次,它将使劳动保障监察工作从整体上迈上一个新的台阶。条例颁布使劳动保障监察工作的法律依据,由 On October 26, the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress examined and adopted the “Regulations on Labor and Social Security Surveillance in Shandong Province” (the “Regulations”). On November 1, the Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security held a news conference promulgating and promulgating the “Regulations on Labor and Social Security Surveillance in Shandong Province” in Jinan. Representatives of news agencies in the country and enterprises and institutions under the provincial and provincial governments attended the meeting. Director Ge Ge will attend and make an important speech. Li Ge said that the promulgation and implementation of the “Regulations” will greatly facilitate the work of labor security supervision in our province and will be of great significance to the entire labor security work and even the economic development and social stability of the province. First of all, it has further perfected the laws and regulations on labor security in our province and added new contents to the laws and regulations on labor security so that our province has taken a new step in establishing a labor security regulatory system that is compatible with the market economic system An important step. Second, it will bring labor security supervision to a whole new level. The promulgation of the Ordinance to make the legal basis for labor security supervision by
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