改进计划管理 实现有效供给——对物资计划管理改革的探索

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随着经济体制改革的不断深化,物资体制正在按照“国家调节市场、市场引导企业”的机制模式进行改革。改革以来有步骤地缩小了国家指令性计划,扩大了指导性计划和市场调节。减少行政直接干预,增强企业活力,逐步扩大了企业自主权,使企业在原材料采购和产品销售上获得了更多自主权,为搞活流通促进商品经济发展起了积极作用。但是,从物资计划分配管理来看,原有的分配体系、管理办法等,基本上是沿用过去的一套作法,旧体制的某些盲目性、不可靠性等因素依然存在。在投资膨胀,经济过热的条件下,它所带来的弊病,更是愈演愈烈。集中表现为重要物资全面紧张、供求矛盾突出,物资分配计划基数难以改变,订货合同分到订不到,订到拿不到,拿到的又不一定是需要的状况普遍存在。计划管理的调节作用部分已经失控,这样很难实现增加社会有效供给。为了改变这种状况,需要进行综合治理,其中,很重要的一条就是要切实改进物资计划管理,以计划工作的科学性来促进资源合理配置的有效性。在这里,仅就当前实际工作中遇到的几个问题,谈一些粗浅的看法。 With the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system, the material system is being reformed according to the mechanism model of “the state regulates the market and the market guides the enterprises”. Since the reform, the state mandatory plan has been narrowed down step by step, and the guiding plan and market regulation have been expanded. Reduce direct administrative intervention, enhance the vitality of enterprises, and gradually expand the autonomy of enterprises so that enterprises have gained more autonomy in raw material procurement and product sales and played an active role in promoting the development of commodity economy through the circulation. However, judging from the material distribution planning and management, the original distribution system and management methods basically follow the same set of practices of the past. Some blindness and unreliability of the old system still exist. Under the conditions of investment expansion and economic overheating, the shortcomings it brings are intensifying. Concentrated on the overall tension of important supplies, supply and demand contradictions prominent, difficult to change the base material distribution plan, ordering contract can not be set, can not be set to get, not necessarily needed to get the situation prevails. The regulatory role of program management has been partly out of control, making it very difficult to achieve an effective social supply increase. In order to change this situation, comprehensive management needs to be carried out. Among them, a very important one is to effectively improve the management of material plans and to plan the scientific work to promote the rational allocation of resources. Here, I will only discuss some superficial opinions on a few issues encountered in the current actual work.
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