
来源 :家用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanzhow
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消费者从来不会拒绝为提供愉悦的产品买单,但很多消费者并不清楚一辆贴近生活的车能给他们的生活带来什么《家用汽车》在消费者调查中发现,很多东风标致307的车主对自己的车近乎狂热地推崇,记者身边就不只一位这样的朋友。这点虽然在其他车型上也偶有出现,但不同的是,307车主对车的痴迷似乎很难和其他消费者分享。这也难怪,舒适感受、驾驶体验和人性化配置给消费者带来的愉悦远比实实在在的购车费用、 Consumers never refuse to pay for pleasing products, but many consumers do not know what a living car can bring to their lives. In a consumer survey, a lot of the Dongfeng Peugeot 307 Car owners are almost fanatical about their car, journalists around not only one such friend. Although this point is also occasionally seen on other models, the difference is that 307 car owners obsessed with the car seem very difficult to share with other consumers. It is no wonder that comfort, driving experience and user-friendly configuration to the joy of consumers than the actual cost of the car,
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这次会议是由中国石油天然气总公司开发生产局主持召开的。参加会议的有全国各油田及各大专院校的代表共约150人。 会议从10月27日开始,至10月31日结束,历时共5天。与会代表