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1997年,在安徽省第五届艺术节上,庐剧《山乡峦》一举获得了十个单项奖,我因扮演该剧的女主角而荣获演员一等奖。在戏中,我的演唱得到一致的好评。 近年来,无论在电台、电视台录音,还是参加一些大型晚会,人们对我演唱的庐剧总感到有些与众不同。早在1992年,庐剧现代戏《刘胡兰》上演时,我的演唱就引起了陈发仁厅长的注意,看完戏后,他在会上两次提到我的演唱,说“很突出”、“发声上是科学的”。 的确,总结我在庐剧演唱方面的经验,首先一条就是以科学发声为起点,过好发声关。 现在可能不会有人相信,1987年,我报考皖西庐剧团时,初试就因嗓子过不了关,差点被拒之门外。要不是剧团认为我在别的方面条件较为突出,而我又临时学唱了一段庐剧小段,通过复试,恐怕此生就与庐剧无缘了。 进团后,在几位声乐老师的科学指导下,我的噪音发生了很大的变化。 首先,我找到了自己的最佳音色,又学会了如何呼吸、如何放置喉头、怎样得到共鸣。我的音域从一个多八度扩展到将近三个八度,我又加强了声音从弱到强、从强到弱的训练,掌握了连音、跳音的演唱技巧。经过近一年的锤炼,一个音色明亮柔美、音域宽广、声音统一、音量强弱自由、声音干净且富于弹性的嗓子,终于“出炉”了。 正是这付建筑在科学发声基础上的嗓子,对 In 1997, at the Fifth Art Festival in Anhui Province, Lu Opera “Shanluanluan” won ten individual awards in one fell swoop. I was awarded the first prize for the actress for the play actress. In the play, my singing was unanimously praised. In recent years, whether it is recording on radio or television station or attending large-scale party, people always feel a little different from the concert that I sing. As early as 1992, when Lu Hulan's modern drama Liu Hulan was staged, my concert attracted the attention of director Chen Fa-ren. After watching the show, he mentioned my concert twice, saying “very prominent” and “ Vocalism is scientific. ” Indeed, to summarize my experience in the concert of Lu Opera, one of the first is to start off with a scientific voice and have a good voice. Now maybe no one will believe that in 1987, when I applied for the Wanxilu Opera Troupe, the first test was unable to pass my throat, and I was almost denied entry. Or the troupe think I am more prominent in other areas, and I once again learned to sing a short section of House, through the retest, I am afraid this life missed with the Lu Theater. Into the group, under the guidance of a few vocal teachers in science, my noise has undergone great changes. First, I found my best sound, learned how to breathe, how to place my throat, and how to resonate. My range expanded from more than one octave to nearly three octaves, and I strengthened my voice from weak to strong, from strong to weak training, mastered the singing skills, jumping sound. After nearly a year of tempering, a sound bright and soft, wide range, unified voice, the volume of freedom, sound clean and flexible voice, and finally “baked.” It is this pay building voice on the basis of scientific vocal, right
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