房企融资纵横:资本运营 借壳上市是捷径

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房地产业界有句老话:开发商的主要任务就是两个,一是找地,二是找钱。因为在当今这个越来越市场化和专业化的时代,其他的环节都可以放给专业公司来做,开发商只要做好和有能力做好领队和裁判就行了。 只谈找钱不谈找地,是因为自打推行土地公开招标拍卖制度,已经越来越没搞头了,过去靠地产暗箱操作赚取暴利的时代一去不复返了! 甚至从某种意义上讲,那种类似当年海南的地产概念也成了昨日黄花…… 作者结台在金融投资界与商界尤其是房地产界十几年的操作和思考,将就房企在新形势下的融资方式和方法——银行融资、股权融资、资本运营、基金、债券融资、资产证券化等进行探讨和剖析,以就教于同行。 There is an old saying in the real estate industry: developers are the main task of two, one is looking for the second is to find money. Because in today’s increasingly market-oriented and professional era, other aspects can be given to professional companies to do, as long as the developers do a good job and have the ability to do the team leader and referee on the line. Just talk about finding money aside, because since the implementation of open land auction bidding system, has become more and more did not come to the conclusion, in the past by the real estate obscuration profitable era is gone! Even in a sense, that similar to the real estate concept of Hainan then became yesterday’s yellow flower ... ... The author sets the financial investment community with the business sector, especially the real estate sector more than 10 years of operation and thinking, will be room in a new Under the situation of financing methods and methods - bank financing, equity financing, capital operation, funds, bond financing, asset securitization and other discussions and analysis, to teach in the peer.