Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark

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  随着年龄的增长、时间的推移, 人们的相貌、性格、兴趣爱好可能会发生变化,人们的行为习惯、生活环境也会发生些许变化。本单元的话题就是谈论变化,进行今昔对比。
  本单元话题所谈论的内容就是要学生根据自己不同年龄阶段的生活体验,运用目标语言(如used to等 )描述自己生活中的一些变化。
  My Life Has Changed
  Dear Robby,
  I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Do you play the piano every day now?
  I study in a junior middle school now, I am always busy with my lessons. I used to play the piano every evening, but now I can’t. I have to do my homework. As you know, I used to have lots of hobbies, but now I just have no time for them. I gave up collecting model cars, sent away my dog and stopped painting. I used to enjoy myself with my friends at weekend, while I spend most of my time doing my lessons now. My life has changed a lot, I feel frustrated.
  What about the life of middle school students in your country? I hope you can enjoy yourself.
  I am looking forward to your reply.
  My Mother Has Changed
  My mother is 42 years old. She is a good mother. Recently, my father and I found that my mother has changed a little.
  She used to be very kind and gentle, smiles were always on her face. But now she gets angry easily and seldom smiles, she even gets upset if I speak too loud. In the past, she would smile and say “It doesn’t matter” if I made mistakes. Now, if I do something wrong, even it is a minor mistake, she will shout at me and will tell me a lot of “You should...” In the next few days, she will talk about my mistakes angrily.
  I am really worried about my mother, is she ill?I really miss my kind and gentle mother.
  My Childhood
  I spent my childhood in a small city.
  There was a small river in the south of the city. My father used to take me there to catch fish on weekends. When we were tired, we always slept for a while under the big tree. At that time, weekends were a happy time for children. My little friends and I used to climb up the trees to play even it was dangerous.
  When I was very young, I was afraid to sleep alone because I used to be afraid of the mouse, I thought they would bite me and take away my toys. I was really a little fool then.   I have a happy and colorful childhood. It is the best part of my memory.
  1.I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去害怕黑暗。
  2. He used to cause a lot of trouble. 他过去常惹很多麻烦。
  3.I don’t worry about tests. 我不为考试担忧。
  4. My biggest problem is that I’m too busy. 我最大的问题是我现在太忙了。
  5. Before I started high school,I used to spend a lot of times playing games with my friends. 在我上中学之前, 我常常花很多时间和朋友们一起做游戏。
  6. She also told me that though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would take pride in everything good I do. 她还告诉我说, 即使爸爸不再和我们一起生活, 他还在注视着我, 并且为我所做的每件好事而自豪。
  B. 精彩例句拓展
  1. I am terrified of being alone in the house. 我害怕一个人待在屋里。
  2. I didn’t used to like Beijing opera. / I used not to like Beijing opera.过去我不喜欢京剧。
  3. Did you use to like documentary? 你以前喜欢纪录片吗?
  4. I am not used to getting up so early. 我不习惯这么早起床。
  5. She is worried about her son’s health. 她为儿子的健康状况感到担心。
  6. The fact is that he didn’t help us at all. 事实上他根本没有帮助我们。
  7. He is busy writing. 他在忙于写作。
  My mother is always busy with housework. 我妈妈经常忙于干家务活。
  8. He is no longer young. He is over fifty. 他不再年轻。 他已经50多岁了。
  9. Chinese people are proud of Shenzhou VI. 中国人为“神州六号”感到自豪。
  (改自江苏省南通市中考题)请你按照下面表格的提示,写一篇题为“Changes in My Hometown”的英语短文,开头已给出。
  1. 以今昔整体对比的方式写一篇短文;
  2. 或者以单项对比的方式写一篇短文;
  3. 词数:80词左右(包括已经写出的单词)。
  Changes in My Hometown
  Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past,
  在选词方面,同学们可灵活运用本单元重点结构used to do/be 或there used to be/do,注意正确使用一般过去时。
  1. Jack以前在学习上不愿下功夫,学习成绩也不好。在朋友John的帮助下,Jack的学习有了明显进步。请根据下表的内容提示,写一篇短文。
  1. 短文应包括表中所有要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥。
  2. 简单表述自己对这一问题的看法。
  One possible version:
  Jack is a student at No.2 School. He lives with his uncle because his parents work in another city. He does really well in his subjects. But he used to be a “problem student”. He was always late for school. What was worse, he didn’t listen to the teachers carefully in class and he never finished his homework on time. His teachers and classmates were very worried about him. John,a top student in the class, decided to do something to help him. He used to talk with Jack every afternoon after school. He did his homework at Jack’s home so that he can help his with his problems and help him review his lessons. At the end of the school year, Jack did better in the exams, he made great progress. Now, with the help of John, Jack is careful about his lessons, he is trying his best to do it well. John is Jack’s best friend now. I think Jack is really lucky, he got two things — true friendship and good grades.   2. 马上就要初中毕业进入高中了,你是否还记得丰富多彩的小学生活,小学生活与你现在的学习生活有什么区别吗?请以此为主题写一篇80词左右的短文。
  One possible version:
  My life has changed since I became a middle school student. When I was in primary school,I used to study fewer subjects,but now I have nine. I used to spend some time playing games with my little friends after school,but now I have to go home and do my homework. I used to like tests,but now I feel stressed out,I don’t like them so much. Now I get up early and stay in school all day, I am tired of the school life now.
  3. 假如你叫李海,是光明学校的学生,请根据下面的提示向你的笔友Tina写封信,简单介绍学校近年来的变化。
  内容要点:1. 3年前,学校只有一座教学楼、一个室外操场,没有图书馆;
  1. 注意书信格式;
  2. 词数在100左右。
  One possible version:
  Dear Tina,
  How is it going?Last time you asked about the changes in my school in your letter. Yes, great changes have taken place in my school.
  My school is an old school. Three years ago,there was only one teaching building and one playground. There used to be no library. Now we have two teaching buildings,a library and an office building. This year,an indoor gym was built.
  Now our school is bigger and more beautiful. All the teachers and students are very happy to work and study here.
  If you have a chance to come, I will show you around. Best wishes!
  Li Hai
  新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.课外延伸阅读
但丁于1265年出生在意大利的佛罗伦萨一个没落的贵族家庭,出生日期不清,按他自己在诗中的说法“生在双子座下”,应该是5月下旬或6月上旬。5岁时生母去世,父亲续弦,后母为他生了两个弟弟、一个妹妹。  但丁一生著作甚丰,其中最有价值的无疑是《神曲》。这部作品通过作者与地狱、炼狱及天堂中各种著名人物的对话,反映出中古文化领域的成就和一些重大的问题,带有“百科全书”性质,从中也可隐约窥见文艺复兴时期人文主
从“士三日不见,当刮目相待”到“士为知己者死”,从“士大夫”到“贫士”,“士”的内涵和外延不断发生着变化,但“士”的精神和“士”的称谓,今天仍然在流传。“士”的本意到底是什么?它在历史长河中是怎样一步步演变,衍生出丰富的内涵的呢?我们今天就来说一说“士”。  “琴瑟击鼓,以御田祖,以祈甘雨,以介我稷黍,以谷我士女。”我国古代往往称男子为士,故《诗经》常以士女对称。但是,在更多场合,古文献和考古资料
东汉末年,天下大乱,群雄并起。  公元184年2月,张角率“太平道”(黄老道支派)起义。义军头裹黄巾,高喊“苍天已死,黄天当立”,号称“黄巾军”。由此,中国历史上第一次以宗教形式组织的农民起义──黄巾起义爆发。起义约10个月后,黄巾军主力遭到官兵的镇压,最终失败。  公元192年4~5月间,黄巾军余部青州黄巾军不断壮大,人数达百余万。青州黄巾军的势力向兖州方向扩展,并在东平附近斩杀兖州刺史刘岱。在
鸡妈妈数孩子  鸡妈妈领着自己的孩子出去觅食,为了防止小鸡丢失,她总是数着,从后向前数到自己是8,从前向后数到自己是9。鸡妈妈最后数出来17个孩子,可是鸡妈妈明明知道自己没有这么多孩子。这只糊涂的鸡妈妈到底有几个孩子呢?鸡妈妈为什么会数错?
三国时期,曹操统一北方后,声威大振,便亲率80万大军南下,屯扎于长江北岸乌林地区,准备和东吴一决高低。当时周瑜统领5万吴军,驻扎在长江南岸的赤壁地区,两军隔江对峙,大战一触即发。由于兵力悬殊,难于抗衡,周瑜决定用火攻对付曹军。为此,他先诱蒋干盗书,借刀杀人,又命庞统向曹操献“连环计”,再令黄盖诈降施“苦肉计”。可谓用心良苦,万事俱备。  这天,周瑜躇踌满志地到各营寨视察,狂风大作,一根旗杆被风吹断
查克在沼泽里捕到一条大短鼻鳄后,把它运到拉里那儿去称重。单称尾巴是80磅。头部是尾巴加半个身体那么重,而身体是头部和尾巴重量之和。那么整条鳄鱼有多重?  巧思贴士:这是对数理逻辑能力的测试,可用方程式来进行解答。
孙康、李丽、江涛三人被哈佛大学、牛津大学和麻省理工大学录取,但不知道他们各自究竟是被哪所大学录取了,有人做了以下猜测:  甲:孙康被牛津大学录取,江涛被麻省理工大学录取;  乙:孙康被麻省理工大学录取,李丽被牛津大学录取;  丙:孙康被哈佛大学录取,江涛被牛津大学录取。  他们每个人都只猜对了一半。  孙康、李丽、江涛三人究竟分别被哪所大学录取了?
乔恩所玩电游的设计者显然对数字通关很着迷。在第二关,埃弗里特先生眼前出现一幅数图,此图刻在一块正在融化的浮冰上。埃弗里特必须在浮冰融化尽和一群愤怒的北极熊追上他之前走通这张图。他必须从此图第一行的任一方格出发走到最末一行的任一方格,条件是:只能拣那些正好能被7整除的方格走,并且不得走对角线方向上的方格。你能助他一臂之力吗?  巧思贴士:开始时,找出第一行和第二行中纵向相邻的两个能被7整除的数。
古代有一位国王和他的张、王、李、赵、钱五位将军一同外出打猎,每个人的箭上都刻有自己的姓氏。打猎中,一只鹿中箭倒下,但不知是何人所射。  张说:“或者是我射中的,或者是李将军射中的。”  王说:“不是钱将军射中的。”  李说:“如果不是赵将军射中的,那么一定是王将军射中的。”  赵说:“既不是我射中的,也不是王将军射中的。”  钱说:“既不是李将军射中的,也不是张将军射中的。”  国王让人把射中鹿的