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《中华人民共和国献血法》规定:从98年10月1日起我国实行无偿献血制度,届时临床用血全部来自无偿献血,任何采供血机构和医疗单位不准接受有偿献血。为了预防和消除无偿献血不足和临床用血短缺而造成“血荒”,保证临床用血的需要,必须及早做好准备。笔者就本站98年5月为期17天的无偿献血活动进行总结分析,以供参考。 1.加大宣传力度。无偿献血能否被社会和广大公民接受,其根本因素是观念的转变。5月初,我站通过地区电视台多次宣传无偿献血的重大意义,号召广大公民积极参加无偿献血。在市区繁华街道,悬挂“奉献 “The Blood Donation Act of the People’s Republic of China” stipulates that: Since October 1, 1998, China will implement the system of unpaid blood donation. All clinical blood use will come from unpaid blood donations. Any blood collection and blood supply institution and medical unit will not be allowed to accept blood donations. In order to prevent and eliminate the “blood shortage” caused by insufficient blood donations and clinical blood shortages, and to ensure the need for clinical blood use, preparations must be made as soon as possible. The author summarizes and analyzes the 17-day free blood donation activities of this station in May 1998 for reference. 1. Increase propaganda. Whether voluntary blood donation can be accepted by the society and the majority of citizens, the fundamental factor is the change of concept. At the beginning of May, I stationed through the regional television station to publicize the great significance of blood donation for many times and called on the citizens to actively participate in blood donation. In the downtown streets, hanging "devotion
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Objective To evaluate the effect of oral administration of Kombucha tea (K-tea) on lead induced oxidative stress. Methods Sprague Dawley rats were administered
The action of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) on intercellular free Ca2+ concentrations [Ca2+]1 induced by glutamate (Glu) in primary cultured hippocampal ne
第一章 总则 第一条(目的和依据) 为了预防和控制艾滋病的发生和流行,保障人体健康,根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和国家有关艾滋病防治的规定,结合本市实际,制定本办
2004年9月6日《尚地产》创刊。 2005年1月3日《尚地产》全新改版,由周刊改为半月刊,同时由16版扩至32版,改为105克哑粉纸印刷。 2005年2月2日由《尚地产》编辑都发起主办的