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我在拜读了孙祁祥同志《市场经济与竞争机会的平等》(见《经济研究》1993年第8期,以下简称孙文)一文后,获益匪浅。尤其是孙文就竞争机会平等体制含义的理论阐发,以其独道的见解令人耳目一新。但是,对于孙文有关起点平等与竞争机会平等的联系,我还心存一些疑问。在此提出来,希望得到孙祁祥同志及学术界同仁的点拨。 起点不平等,机会能平等吗? After reading the article entitled “Equality between Market Economy and Competitive Opportunity” by Comrade Sun Qixiang (see Economic Research, No. 8, 1993, hereinafter referred to as Sun Wen), I was greatly benefited. In particular, Sun Wen expounded the theory of the meaning of the equal opportunity competition system, with his unique ideas refreshing. However, Sun still has some questions about the connection between Sun Wen’s starting point for equality and equal opportunities for competition. In this proposal, I hope to get Comrade Sun Qixiang and colleagues in the academic call. Unequal starting point, the opportunity to be equal?
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
这已经不是竞争,是对用户的威胁。两家公司均没有站在用户的利益角度去考虑,更多的是商业利益的竞争。 This is not competition, is a threat to users. Both companies di
用电脑听音乐很多朋友都乐此不疲,想在线听音乐就试试“天音听听”它内置的上万首歌曲足以让你舒舒服服地泡上一把音乐浴。 Listening to music with a computer Many of my