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7月2日,中国纺织工业联合会党委按照中纺联2013年党建工作要点和上半年党员学习安排召开中心组扩大会议精神,结合纺织行业发展、协会自身建设工作,交流总结学习贯彻党的十八大精神的心得体会。中纺联党委委员、纪委委员、各基层党组织书记、各单位行政负责人、工会主席、副主席、中纺联团委书记等50余人参加会议。会上,中国纺织出版社党委书记迟宗君, July 2, the China Textile Industry Federation Party Committee in accordance with the key points of the party building in 2013 and the first half of the party members to learn arrangements held by the central group to expand the spirit of the meeting, combined with the development of the textile industry, the Association’s own construction work, exchange summary study and implementation of the party’s ten Experience of the eight major spiritual experience. More than 50 members of China Textile International Union Committee, Commission for Discipline Inspection, party secretary of grassroots units, administrative heads of all units, chairman of the trade union, vice chairman and secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League attended the meeting. At the meeting, China Textile Press Party Secretary Chi Zong-Jun,
据行业期刊介绍,为改进产口生产工艺水平、提升产品品质,江苏华星新材料科技术股份有限公司决定投资1.02亿元,建设年产防老剂ODA2000t,TPP D200t和交联剂TAIC 3000t技术改造
本专辑接续上期 ,载文 1 0篇 ,至此致死性心律失常的最新治疗法专辑全部刊完。本专辑译自《日本临床》杂志 2 0 0 2年第 6 0卷第 7期特集———不整脉。该专辑详细阐述了不同
本文论述了学生快乐阅读的意义,分析了中小学图书馆开展学生快乐阅读的作用及有利条件,并提出了开展学生快乐阅读的一些具体措施。 This paper discusses the significance
In this work,an efficient and facile method for the preparation of 5-perfluoroalkylated uracils and uracil nucleosides through visible-light-mediated reaction h
本文介绍呼图壁县图书馆在实现办公自动化后,在机读目录的著录过程中,对大家容易出现分歧的丛书、多卷书、连续出版物的著录,提出了需要注意的方法。 This article introduc