(一) 西藏是一个具有极大特殊性的自治区,这里幅员辽阔,人口稀少,高寒缺氧,生产力水平低下,交通不便,人才匮乏。发展通信,理应从实际出发.因地制宜,实行灵活政策。但是—段时间内照搬照套内地经验,脱离西藏实际,大搞长途线路的建设,收效甚微,使有限的建设资金未能发挥应有的效益,贻误了时间;在邮电教育上,缺乏战略眼光,抓得晚,措施不力,人才培养缓慢,在许多关键工种上藏族职工少,职工业务技术素质低,不适应通信发展的需要,影响了通信的发展和新业务的开拓;在
(1) Tibet is an autonomous region with great peculiarities. There is a vast territory, sparsely populated areas, cold and hypoxia, low productivity, poor transportation and lack of qualified personnel. To develop communications, we should proceed from reality, and implement flexible policies according to local conditions. However, for a period of time, it has taken photos of the Mainland’s experience and taken away from the reality in Tibet. The construction of long-distance lines has been largely ineffective with limited benefits so as to undermine the limited benefits of construction funds. This has lagged behind in the education of posts and telecommunications. In the eyes of the government, it was late and the measures were not effective. The cultivation of talents was slow. In many key types of work, there were few workers in Tibet and the technological quality of workers was low, which did not meet the needs of the development of communications and affected the development of communications and the development of new businesses.