1981年9月,我局两名同志随中国林业考察团赴芬兰进行了林业考察。在芬兰的索内亚蒂实验站,看到了一种比较简而易行的芬兰育苗容器——塑料卷。用长4米、宽20厘米的塑料布,铺上营养土,卷成约30厘米粗的卷,每卷里移植25-30株欧洲赤松苗,然后整齐地摆在水泥地上,进行管理。根据林业部和省林业厅的指示,结合当地实际情况,我们在横道河林场进行了两年小面积的塑料卷式育苗试验,试验结果介绍如下: 一、试验材料1.塑料薄膜把农用塑料薄膜剪成长
In September 1981, two comrades from our bureau went to Finland for forestry inspection with the Chinese forestry delegation. In Finland, Soyati Experimental Station, saw a relatively simple and easy Finnish seedling container - plastic roll. Using 4 cm long and 20 cm wide plastic sheets, spread nutritious soil and roll into roughly 30 cm thick rolls, transplanting 25-30 European red seedlings per roll and then neatly placing them on a concrete floor for management. According to the instructions of the Ministry of Forestry and the Provincial Forestry Department, combined with the actual local conditions, we conducted a two-year small-scale plastic seedling nursery test at Hengdaohe Forestry Center. The test results are as follows: I. Test Materials 1. Plastic Film Plastic film Cut grow