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  ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
   The fiery Ram likes to be scared, perhaps so they can claim they weren't, but that everyone around them was. In 2008, favorite films for them might include The Mummy 3 or John Rambo 4 in which adrenalin-pumping Sylvester Stallone has lead. Meanwhile, The Forbidden Kingdom, a new action movie of Jackie Chan, is an excellent choice as well.
  TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21)
   The steady Bull is patient, but needs to be rewarded by aesthetic value. Epic films that bring the viewer laughter, tears, and beautiful scenery are tops on the list. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and My Blueberry Nights acted by Wang Jiawei will fit the bill.
  EMINI (May 22-June 21)
   While you're a voracious reader and an intellectual, you enjoy a laugh, too. A comedy with endless possibilities, like A Hope, might make your evening.
  CANCER (June 22-July 22)
   The comfortable Crab gets much pleasure out of hunkering down on the couch to watch a miniseries or a family or history movie. You're likely to have The War of the Red Cliff on video so that you don't have to leave the comfort of home to go to the theater.
  LEO (July 23-Aug 22)
   Great dramatic films and blockbuster romances are the Lion's pride. For your viewing pleasure, everything must be bigger and better, with the brightest stars. The Day the Earth Stood Still will make them excited.
  VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
   The ever-practical Virgo does not have time to watch anything that won't improve their lives in some way. You'll cook a dinner to Julia Child, use fix-it videos to refurbish your room and watch documentaries to wind down. You might also enjoy the neurotic works of Woody Allen for a chuckle.
  LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
   The Scales are happy with a little of all worlds, or are entirely willing to watch whatever is on, just so long as they don't need to go to the cinema. Check out Crossed Lines with satisfactory conclusion.
  SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
   The intense Scorpion loves a mystery and a challenge. You probably prefer when the viewer needs to figure out for themselves what's going on in the movie. You're likely to check out Indiana Jones 4 and Angels & Demons, the prequel of The Da Vinci Code.
  SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
   The Archer craves travel and adventure, even if, for the moment, they can only get it on the screen. Looking to increase your knowledge and expand your horizons, you'll enjoy those old films, such as The English Patient and Seven Years in Tibet. In 2008, 10,000 B.C, where there are a lot of prehistorical animals, will be to your taste. Videos that teach you new languages are also a plus.
   射手喜欢旅行和冒险,会喜欢看一些可以增长知识、扩展视野的老片子,如《英国病人》和《西藏七年》。而在2008年,这部有众多史前动物出场的《公元前10 000年》一定会合你的口味。此外,能教会你一门新语言的电影你也会喜欢。
  CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
   Even the busy Goat has time to take a breath and watch a movie. Don't expect that your mind won't stay on business, though. Get Smart for a comedy with which you can identify. Either Run, Fatboy, Run or Slam Dunk are on their way to you.
  AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
   Weird, futuristic, idealistic and anything different will be occupying the mind of the Water Bearer. Try anything KUBRICK. Besides, Halo, if you haven't already, that is! You'll also want to check out that new foreign flick playing at the art cinema.
  PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)
   The ever-emotional Pisces likes movies of extreme emotion. You'll let your imagination roam while watching films like The Spiderwick Chronicles. Meanwhile, watching Assembly will make your tears flow.Your favorites transcend language barriers, so The ChoirBoys, a French movie, is also an excellent choice.
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