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草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum Sundevall(蜘蛛目,微蛛科Micryphantidae)是我省农田和果园等的一种重要捕食性天敌,种群数量大,分布广,是一种较有利用前途的蜘蛛。国内外对其生物学和生态学研究尚少,我们于1977年底开始此项研究下作,现将结果报导如下。材料和方法自田间采集越冬成蛛,在25℃恒温箱内使其产卵,用最先产出的卵块作饲养材料。成、若蛛饲料,均以鲜蚕蛹2份,全蛋1份,加数滴蜂乳配成代饲料。在室温下饲养。若蛛期:将三天内孵出的若蛛,单头放入养虫管内,用小方块泡沫塑料醮代饲料,在保湿下培养,每天观察发育情况。成蛛期:将刚发育成的雌、雄蛛放入玻皿内按上法饲养。待交配后1—2日将雄蛛取出,另行饲养,逐日观察,记载交配、产卵和成蛛死亡等。 Erigonidium graminicolum Sundevall (Micalaphantidae) is an important predatory natural enemies in farmland and orchards in our province. It has a large population and wide distribution and is a more promising spider. Domestic and foreign biology and ecology of its research is still small, we started the study by the end of 1977, now the results reported below. MATERIALS AND METHODS The wintering spiders were collected from the field and spawned in a 25 ° C incubator. The first egg mass was used as feeding material. Into, if the spider feed, are fresh silkworm pupa 2, the whole egg 1, add the number of drops of honey with bee feed. Feeding at room temperature. If the spider period: Three days if the hatched spider, single head into the parasite tube, with a small box of foam 醮 instead of feed, cultured under moisturizing, daily observation of development. Into the spider: the newly developed female and male spiders into the glass dish according to the law feeding. To be mated 1 to 2 days after the male was removed, kept separately observed daily records of mating, spawning and killing a spider.
大袋蛾Cryptothelea variegata Snellen是我国华东、中南地区林木和行道树的主要害虫之一。其幼虫危害二百多种树木,取食叶片、环食顶梢嫩皮,严重影响林木生长及城市绿化。
杀虫脒是一个防治几种重要的鳞翅目害虫很有希望的杀卵剂。Streibert和Dittrich(1977)总结了三种夜蛾科大害虫(Spodoptera bittoralis及二种Heliothis属的害虫)的卵和幼虫对
野燕麦(Arena fatua L.)是新疆维吾尔自治区农田的恶性杂草,分布广、为害重,是小麦生产上的大敌,一般减产30%以上。除小麦外,还危害油菜、向日葵、豆类和瓜类等作物。为探索
生命表作为昆虫种群数量动态的研究,近年来已成为一种有效的手段。近年来由于水稻改制和品种等关系,三化螟Tryporyza incertulas(Walker)危害日益严重,有必要深入地掌握其种
根据 A.L.Hooker 等提出的鉴别玉米小斑病菌 T、O 两个生理小种的方法与标准,本试验供试的5个菌株(3个来自我国,2个来自美国)中,有2个菌株(51号和1221号)属于 O 小种,1个株菌