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我们在纪念党成立60周年的时候,很自然地会想到党的建设,想到党的生活的宣传。加强党自身的工作包括加强党的生活的宣传,把我们的党建设得更好,以便团结和领导全国人民去夺取四化建设的更大胜利,这是大家的共同愿望。党的生活的宣传在新闻工作中占有重要的位置。我们党历来重视党的生活的宣传。中央在1954年作出的《关于改进报纸工作的决议》中强调了要加强党的生活的宣传,对各级党委的机关报应当如何进行这方面的宣传作出了明确的规定。党要管好党,党报要搞好党的生活、党的建设的宣传,这是理所当然的。把党建设得更好,需要进行多方面的宣传。要宣传党规、党法、党性修养和党的基本知识,宣传党的光荣传统和优良作风,宣传执行《准则》、端正党风,宣传党的思想政治工作、组织工作和纪律检查工作,宣传党组织的堡垒作用和干部、党员的模范作用,等等。进行这些宣传,要运用新闻、通讯、评论、述评、文章、杂谈、讲座、回忆录、学习心得、工作研究、调查报 When commemorating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the party, we naturally think of the building of the party and the propaganda of the party’s life. It is the common aspiration of all to strengthen the Party’s own work, including the propaganda of strengthening the party’s life, building our party better, uniting and leading the people across the country to win even greater victories in the four modernizations. The propaganda of the party’s life occupies an important position in the news work. Our party has always attached importance to the propaganda of the party’s life. The “Resolution on Improving Newspaper Work” made by the Central Government in 1954 emphasized the need to strengthen the propaganda of the party’s life and made explicit provisions on how the organs and newspapers at all levels should publicize this respect. It is a matter of course that the party should manage the party and the party newspaper well to promote the party’s life and party building. Building the party better requires a wide range of publicity. We should publicize the party rules, the party law, the accomplishments of the party spirit and the party’s basic knowledge, promote the party’s glorious tradition and fine style of work, publicize and implement the “Guidelines,” rectify the party’s work style, propagandize the party’s ideological and political work, organize work and discipline inspection, and propagandize The role of the party as a stronghold and the exemplary role of party members, and so on. To carry out these publications, we should make use of the news, communications, commentary, commentary, articles, talkatives, lectures, memoirs, study experiences, job research, investigation reports
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