Effects of SBWP Jump-Dealing on China's Book Market from the Perspectives of Competition and An

来源 :China Economist | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq407606015
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With the rise of the Internet and E-commence,it has become common for consumers in the book,clothing,electronic appliances,furniture and cosmetic industries to engage in a phenomenon termed “store-browsing-web-purchasing”(SBWP).These are customers who tend to acquire service and information about particular products at traditional(brick and motor) retail stores but purchase them online at a lower price.This creates new issues and new perspectives to the science of law and economics.This paper addresses the issue of SBWP based on the industrial organization theory(especially the vertical dual-pricing system).It then endeavors to demonstrate the three “jump-dealing ” theorems of SBWP from analyzing the business models,consumer purchasing patterns and price differences in distributing channels.Furthermore,we extrapolate the theory of jump-dealing and resale price maintenance(RPM) offsetting based on previous findings.The main conclusions are the following:if a company’s RPM strategies substantially eliminate competition,then jump-dealing behavior from consumers should be encouraged.Conversely,if this jump-dealing behavior from consumers brings about anti-competition and free riding problems,then a company’s RPM strategies should be exempted. With the rise of the Internet and E-commence, it has become common for consumers in the book, clothing, electronic appliances, furniture and cosmetic industries to engage in a phenomenon “store-browsing-web-purchasing” (SBWP) These are customers who tend to acquire service and information about particular products at traditional (brick and motor) retail stores but purchase them online at a lower price.This creates new issues and new perspectives to the science of law and economics.This paper addresses the issue of SBWP based on the industrial organization theory (especially the vertical dual-pricing system) .It then endeavors to demonstrate the three “jump-dealing ” theorems of SBWP from analyzing the business models, consumer purchasing patterns and price differences in distributing channels.Furthermore, we extrapolate the theory of jump-dealing and resale price maintenance (RPM) offsetting based on previous findings. The main conclusions are the following: if a company’s RPM strategies substantially ago competition, then jump-dealing behavior from consumers should be encouraged. Conversely, if this jump-dealing behavior from consumers brings about anti-competition and free riding problems, then a company’s RPM strategies should be exempted.
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