
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhm0510
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在我国浩如烟海的法律体系里,数量最庞大、内容最繁杂的当首推行政法律规范,而几乎在所有的行政法律规范中都有关于行政处罚的规定。长期以来,由于一直没有一部统一的法律来规范行政处罚,致使一些地方和部门受本位主义或狭隘私利的驱使,在行政立法和行政执法活动中乱设处罚、滥施处罚的问题比较严重。为了规范行政处罚的设定和实施,保障和监督行政机关有效实施行政管理,维护公共利益和社会秩序,保护公民、法人或其他组织的合法权益,第八届全国人民代表大会第四次会议审议通过了《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》。行政处罚法是一部规范行政处罚设定和实施的基本法,它的颁布和施行标志着我国社会主义法律体系框架的基本建立和社会主义民主法制建设进入一个新的历史发展时期。为了配合行政处罚法的学习宣传,本刊将从本期起连续刊载山西省人民政府法制局刘新局长、肖斑同志撰写的行政处罚法学习辅导,供读者学习时参考。 In the vast legal system in our country, the largest number of the most complicated content of the first to promote political and legal norms, and almost all of the administrative laws and regulations have provisions on administrative penalties. For a long time, there has been no uniform law to regulate administrative penalties. As a result, some localities and departments are driven by selfish or narrow-minded self-interest and have serious sanctions in the administrative legislation and administrative law enforcement activities. In order to standardize the establishment and implementation of administrative penalties, safeguard and supervise the effective implementation of administrative organs by administrative organs, safeguard public interests and social order and protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, the Eighth National People’s Congress considered the fourth meeting Passed the “People’s Republic of China Administrative Punishment Law.” The Administrative Punishment Law is a basic law regulating the establishment and implementation of administrative sanctions. Its promulgation and implementation mark a period of historical development that has basically set the framework of the socialist legal system in our country and the building of a socialist democracy and legal system. In order to cooperate with the study and promotion of the Administrative Punishment Law, this issue will be successively published from this issue with Liu Xin, director of the Legislative Affairs Bureau of Shanxi Provincial People’s Government, and Comrade Xiao Bai’s study guide on administrative penalties for readers’ reference.