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准则设计法在工程结构优化中已成为一类十分重要的方法,由于它的简单和有效,已被广泛地用来求解大量的实际问题。在工程结构优化中常见的准则法有同步失效准则法和满应力准则法等等,我们认为这些思想在机械优化设计中是很可取的,比如同步失效准则法的基本思想“在荷载等外部环境作用下,能使所有可能发生的破坏模式同时实现的结构是最优的结构”这种思想对机械工程界应是容易接受的。本文将用准则设计法的思想以减速机优化设计作为例子给于介绍。一、问题的提出为了便于说明问题和方便比较起见,现用文献[3][4]减速机优化设计例子,这个 The standard design method has become a very important method in engineering structure optimization. Because of its simplicity and effectiveness, it has been widely used to solve a large number of practical problems. In the optimization of engineering structure, the common criterion methods are the synchronous failure criterion method and the full stress criterion method, etc. We think these ideas are preferable in mechanical optimization design, such as the basic idea of ​​synchronous failure criterion method. In the external environment such as load, Under the action of making all the possible modes of destruction simultaneously achieve the optimal structure structure "should be accepted by the mechanical engineering community. This article will use the standard design method of thinking to reducer optimization design as an example for the introduction. First, the problem raised In order to facilitate the description of the problem and the convenience of comparison, the current literature [3] [4] reducer optimization design example, this
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在云南省火电建设公司,甚至在云南电力行业的电焊圈子里,只要提起张安元这个名字,不会有人不知道的。20余年来,他与焊接结下了不解之缘,也因焊接而名噪一时。一 1978年,他从滇南某县的一
据中国科学报96年10月21报导,1996年诺贝尔化学奖已于10月7日授与富勒烯(Fullerenes)化合物的发现者,美国的Curl RF,Smalley R E和英国的Kroto H W.喜讯传来,我国碳材料界同
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