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2016年1月底,一年一度的由英国贸易投资总署(UKTI)以及英国核能协会(NIA)共同举办的英国民用核能展示论坛在伦敦市区如期召开。论坛主要从新建核电厂、退役及废物处置还有创新与制造三个方面,邀请相关政府、组织或企业代表发表演讲,展示与分享了英国作为老牌核电国家重启核电后的发展近况以及全球主要相关核能企业的经验与未来规划。此外,主办方更专设了中国与日本专场,邀请到了这两国的相关政府、核能组织和主要核能企业的代表,安排了两个半天的时间发表演讲,为东西方沟通核能发展经验搭建了桥梁。 At the end of January 2016, the annual British Civil Nuclear Display Forum co-hosted by the UKTI and NIA was held in the city of London on schedule. Forum mainly from the new nuclear power plant, decommissioning and waste disposal as well as innovation and manufacturing in three areas, invited the relevant government, organizations or business representatives to deliver speeches, show and share the United Kingdom as a veteran nuclear power state after the restart of nuclear power development status and the world’s major related Nuclear Energy Enterprise Experience and Future Planning. In addition, the organizers also set up special seminars in China and Japan and invited delegates from the relevant governments, nuclear organizations and major nuclear energy enterprises in both countries to arrange speeches for two and a half days and build a platform for East-West communication on nuclear energy development experience bridge.
Based on the continuous downturn puzzle of Chinese dairy consumption,with the perception of consumption risk as a starting point,the paper deeply analyzes the m
近日,一则关于不良商贩给河蟹“注胶增重”的视频在浙江台州市民的微信朋友圈流传。视频中,一位该市温岭市口音的男子掰开两只活蟹,指着蟹黄旁透明胶状物质称是无良商贩为增重注入的“胶水”。  对此,台州市椒江区市场监督管理局和区消费者权益保护委员会2月7日邀请当地媒体、志愿者、区实验小学科学老师林志及学生,一起到台州最大的农贸市场进行“螃蟹注胶和注水”的比较实验,并在某直播平台全程直播。  “‘胶水蟹’的
As one of the main aerodynamic noise sources of high-speed trains, the pantograph is a complex structure containing many components, and the flow around it is e