Measurements of heat transfer and pressure in a trailing edge cavity of a turbine blade

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaircat
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An experimental investigation is conducted to obtain the heat transfer and pressure drop data for an integral trailing edge cavity test section that simulates a novel turbine blade’s internal cooling passage with bleed holes. Local heat transfer is measured on both the suction and pressure sides by a transient liquid crystal technique, while pressures at six positions are recorded by pressure calibrators. Moreover, flow characteristic and its effect on heat transfer are analyzed for conditions with or without bleed flow. The experimental results show that, in the cases with bleed flow, local heat transfer on the pressure side exceeds that on the suction side in the first and second channels. In the cases without bleed flow, in the first and third channels, local heat transfer on the suction side weakens whilst it increases significantly on the pressure side. For the second channel, non-bleed condition leads to a more balanced heat transfer distribution between the upstream and downstream channel. Besides, after the bleed holes are blocked, heat transfer in the first bend region on the suction side declines sharply, while the opposite phenomenon occurs for the second bend region on the pressure side. In both bleed and non-bleed cases, the total pressure of six measurement positions decreases continuously along the channel at the same Reynolds number and it promotes for higher Reynolds number. Among all the measurement points, under the same flow rate condition, the highest speed occurs at Position 5, which also shows the maximum difference between the total and static pressures. When the bleed holes are blocked, the total pressure at each measurement position appears to increase. An experimental investigation is conducted to obtain the heat transfer and pressure drop data for an integral trailing edge cavity test section that simulates a novel turbine blade’s internal cooling passage with bleed holes. liquid crystal technique, while pressures at six positions are recorded by pressure calibrators. Moreover, flow characteristic and its effect on heat transfer are analyzed with or without bleed flow. The experimental results show that in the cases with bleed flow, local heat In the cases without bleed flow, in the first and third channels, local heat transfer on the suction side weakens while it increased significantly on the pressure side. For the second channel, non-bleed condition leads to a more balanced heat transfer distribution between the upstream and downstre am channel. Besides, after the bleed holes are blocked, heat transfer in the first bend region on the suction side declines sharply, while the opposing phenomenon occurs for the second bend region on the pressure side. In both bleed and non-bleed cases, the total pressure of six measurement positions along the channel at the same Reynolds number and it promotes for higher Reynolds number. Among all the measurement points, under the same flow rate condition, the highest speed occurs at position 5, which also shows the maximum difference between the total and static pressures. When the bleed holes are blocked, the total pressure at each measurement position appears to increase.
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