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【氨基比林:药名,有机化合物,分子式C 13H 17O N3,无色或白色的结晶,无味。解热、镇痛作用很强,治头痛、关节痛、月经痛等症。也叫匹拉米洞[英am inopyrine]】《现代汉语词典》,商务印书馆1978版7页。这些天,刘连翘突然看天不怎么蓝,看地不怎么绿,看人四条腿,看狗一只眼;这是什么眼呢?听到的,也都是些噪音。脑袋上的耳朵,蛮像老上海滩上某个破落豪门客厅几案上蒙尘的留声机。比如大人们说话,老人们咳嗽,小孩子啼哭,还有鸡鸭猪狗的哼唧嘶叫,总之是,刘 【Aminopyrine: drug name, organic compounds, molecular formula C 13H 17O N3, colorless or white crystals, tasteless. Antipyretic, analgesic effect is very strong, cure headache, joint pain, menstrual pain embolism. Also known as Pami hole [English am in the pyrginrine] “Modern Chinese Dictionary”, 1978, 7 pages of the Commercial Press. These days, Liu Lianqiao suddenly see the sky is not how blue, green is not very good, people look at the four legs, watch the dog one eye; What is the eye? Heard, are also some noise. Ears on the head, quite like a beach on the beach some of the dilapidated giants living room on the dusty gramophone few cases. Such as adults to talk, the elderly cough, crying children, as well as chickens and dogs hissing neighing, in short, Liu
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