
来源 :宁波大学学报(人文科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fzflash
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《耕耘骨头》是海地裔美国作家埃德薇奇·丹迪卡的第二部长篇小说,是对1937年多米尼加共和国境内的海地人的文学书写。小说从大屠杀的幸存者女仆阿玛贝尔的角度叙述这一历史事件,让读者重返历史现场,关注大屠杀施加给幸存者、受害者及其亲友的灾难性影响,思考大屠杀带来的个人身份和民族身份问题,讨论对大屠杀进行文学再现的必要性。文章着眼于历史事件的后果,从人物身份与叙事视角出发,就“失孤”“大屠杀”与“身份”等问题进行细查,讨论作品对大屠杀进行文学书写的历史意义。幸存者拼缀破碎身份的努力既是为了求索自身存在的价值,也隐喻了对民族身份界定的公共思考的必要性;与自然灾害导致失孤后果相比,施暴者的刻意遮瞒掩盖使大屠杀导致的创伤更为深重,使受害者难以举证申讨,施暴者得不到应有的惩罚和谴责。在资本全球化的今天,这样的文学书写在警示后代和预防类似灾难重现方面有着积极的意义。 “The Bones of Cultivation” is the second novel of the Haitian-American writer Edvard Dandica, a literary writing of Haitians in the Dominican Republic in 1937. The novel narrates this historical event from the perspective of Alabel, the survivor of the genocide, to return the reader to the historical scene, pay attention to the catastrophic effects of the Holocaust on survivors, victims and their relatives, Personal identity and national identity, discussing the need for a literary reproduction of the Holocaust. The article focuses on the consequences of historical events and examines issues such as “Lost in Solitude”, “Massacre” and “Identity” from the perspective of personal identity and narrative to discuss the work's writing on the Holocaust historical meaning. The efforts of survivors to patch up their broken identities are not only for seeking the value of their own existence but also for the necessity of public thinking about the definition of national identity. Compared with the consequence of disasters caused by natural disasters, the deliberate concealment and concealment of the perpetrators makes the massacre The trauma caused is even more serious, making it hard for the victims to prove the case and the perpetrators are not punished and condemned. Today, in the era of capital globalization, such literary writing has a positive meaning in alerting future generations and preventing similar catastrophe.
本文对我国火力发电机组可用率不高的原因作了较详细的介绍,并提出了解决的措施。可供有关人员参考。 This article gives a detailed introduction to the reasons why the
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企业家说  建设生态省,生产型企业是主力军,负有义不容辞的责任。企业不治理污染,迟早会被淘汰。  ——四川龙蟒集团总裁李家权  企业既是市场的主体,也是排污的主体。张中伟省长曾说:不是企业治理污染,就是污染淘汰企业。这表明了省政府治理污染的坚定决心。  企业应当如何贯彻落实《四川生态省建设规划纲要》,坚持节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展,在为国家创造经济效益的同时,自觉承担企业的社会责任和环境责任?我