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吴邦国副总理指出:“产品质量既是企业技术进步工作成果的一个有效的体现形式,也是企业生存和发展的一个关键环节。”企业要在市场上占有一席之地,必须努力提高产品质量,做到质量“三到位”——思想到位,责任到位,工作到位。思想到位,是企业提高质量的基础影响产品质量的因素很多,有人、机,料、法、环五大要素。但归根结底,产品质量取决于人的质量,不断强化人的质量意识。思想到位,就是增强全员质量意识。要把“思想到位”作为提高质量的“第一道工序”来抓,把质量意识作为企业的第一意识贯穿到企业生产经营全过程。通过质量教育和技术业务培训,不断提高职工的质量意识和整体素质,使职工明白提高质量与国家、企业生存和发展以及个人的切身利益的休戚关系。从而使每个职工意识到自己在提高质量中的责任和义务,树立起靠质量求生存、求发展的思想,激励职工当家作主的热情,形成人人主动关心企业的质量的大好局势,为保证和提高产品质量打下扎实的思想基础。 Vice Premier Wu Bangguo pointed out: “The quality of products is not only an effective embodiment of the results of technological advancement of enterprises, but also a key link for the survival and development of enterprises.” Enterprises must take a place in the market and must strive to improve product quality and achieve quality.“ ”Three in place“ - thinking in place, responsibility in place, work in place. In place of ideas, there are many factors that affect the quality of a company’s products. There are five elements: people, machines, materials, methods, and rings. But in the final analysis, the quality of products depends on the quality of people, and people’s quality consciousness is continuously strengthened. When thinking is in place, it is to enhance the overall quality consciousness. We must take ”idea in place“ as a ”first step" to improve quality, and perceive quality consciousness as the first consciousness of a company throughout the entire process of production and operation of a company. Through quality education and technical business training, the quality awareness and overall quality of the employees are continuously improved, so that the employees understand the relationship between improving quality and the survival and development of the country, the company, and personal interests. In order to make each employee aware of their own responsibilities and obligations in improving quality, to establish the idea of ​​relying on quality for survival and development, to motivate the enthusiasm of employees to become masters of the company, and to create a good situation in which everyone actively cares about the quality of the company. Guarantee and improve product quality to lay a solid ideological foundation.
拥有40多年国产名牌历史的上海电熨斗总厂是目前我国最大的电熨斗生产企业,以“红心”品牌而闻名全国。昔日雄踞全国电熨斗市场半壁江山,而今推行“红心战略”更获成功。 Sh
1923年5月6日凌晨,由南京开往北京的第二次特快列车沿津浦铁路向北奔驰。车内的旅客大多进入梦乡,连车上的服务员都睡着了。当列车行驶到山东 In the early hours of May 6,
张廷发(1918—2010),福建沙县人,原中共中央政治局委员,空军原司令员。1955年被授予少将军衔。新中国成立后,张廷发长期从事空军工作,坚持从严治军,工作一丝不苟。在“文化大革命”中,他受到迫害。1973年恢复工作后,担任空军政委的他更加坚持真理,立场坚定,旗帜鲜明地和“四人帮”进行坚决斗争,经受住了严峻的政治考验。    一    1975年10月1日,经毛泽东批准,中央军委任命时任空军副
中共中央政治局常委、书记处书记胡锦涛在考察成都飞机公司、彩虹电器公司、前锋股份公司、鼎天媒体公司、成都电缆股份有限公司等企业时强调 Hu Jintao, Member of the Sta