
来源 :中国食用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzlang
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草菇是一种质嫩味鲜的食用菌,最早栽培于中国华南诸省,而后传入东南亚各国。香港是世界上草菇销售量最多的地区。自1973年以后,香港已完全利用废棉取代传统的稻草栽培草菇。香港栽培草菇是在一种专门设计的能够调温、调湿、调光和通风换气的封闭式菇房里进行的。菇房顶部呈人字型和弓型。以人字型菇房较为实用,冷凝水不会直接掉落在菇床上。菇房夏天能隔热,冬天能保温,一年四季均可种草菇。菇房建筑材料为塑胶板和塑胶泡沫板。菇房内放置四排床架,每排五 Straw mushroom is a tender and delicious edible fungus, first cultivated in southern China provinces, and then spread to various countries in Southeast Asia. Hong Kong is the area where the sales of straw mushrooms is the highest in the world. Since 1973, Hong Kong has completely used waste cotton instead of traditional straw-growing straw mushrooms. Straw mushroom cultivation in Hong Kong is in a specially designed to thermostat, humidity, dimming and ventilation of the closed mushroom house carried out. Mushroom room was the top of the herringbone and bow type. Herringbone Gu Fang is more practical, condensate water will not fall directly on the mushroom bed. Mushroom room can be insulated in summer, winter insulation, grass mushrooms can be year-round. Mushroom building materials for the plastic sheet and plastic foam board. Mushroom room placed four rows of bedstead, each row of five
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