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1989年4月,日本法律文化社出版了由江口圭一、芝原拓自编的原侵华日兵小原孝太郎的《从军日记》。小原孝太郎本为日本千叶县佐原市的小学教员,1937年7月,日本发动全面侵华战争后,小原于9月1日应征入伍(时年27岁),为第16师团后勤兵。该师团属日本华北方面军第一军之主力。11月5日,日军在杭州湾登陆,并攻占上海后,第16师团由华北调往上海,配属日本华中派遣军,为进攻南京之日军主力。小原所在的后勤部队于11月20日由海上运至长江口南通市江面。29日该部队在上海登陆,旋即随师团主力前进,于12月19日侵入南京市区。从1937年9月1日起,至1939年8月7日退伍时止,小原逐日记载了他在中国的经历及所见所闻。本文仅摘要译出其中1937年12月4日至24日间的日记。小原深受日本军国主义侵略思想的毒害,是一个法西斯军人。他在日记中炫耀、赞颂日军“胜利”的同时,也不得不记录了中国军民的英勇抗战,以及他所目睹的日军烧杀抢劫的滔天罪行,尤其是日军在占领南京后所进行的血腥大屠杀的一些场面。小原本人亦曾亲手砍杀了被俘的中国官兵。由于小原仅仅是一个后勤兵,见闻有限,但就其所记,亦可知日军所犯罪行之一斑。日军在南京实施的大屠杀,早已成为历史事实,但在日本发表一个士兵的日记,为日军的暴行提供佐证,尚属首次。本日记的发表,不仅为史学界提供了真实的研究史料,也是我们进行爱国主义教育的一份生动的反面教材。 In April 1989, the Japanese Law Culture Agency published Diary of the Enemy of the Army, which was originally compiled by the Japanese invaders and Japanese soldiers. Kobayashi Homori was originally a primary school teacher in Zobara City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. In July 1937, after Japan launched the full-scale invasion of China, Kohara was enlisted on September 1 (27 years old) and was the logistics regiment of the 16th Division. The division is the main force of the First Army of the Japanese North China Army. On November 5, after the Japanese army landed in Hangzhou Bay and captured Shanghai, the 16th Division was transferred from North China to Shanghai and assigned to Japan to send troops to central Japan to attack Nanjing. Ohara’s logistical unit was transported by sea to Nantong City on the Yangtze River estuary on November 20. On the 29th, when the army landed in Shanghai and immediately followed the main mission of the division, it intruded into Nanjing on December 19. From September 1, 1937 onwards, to August 7, 1939 when leaving the army, Kohara daily record of his experiences in China and what you see and hear. This summary is only a summary of the diary from December 4 to December 1937. Ohara, deeply poisoned by the Japanese militarist aggression, is a fascist soldier. While showing off his diary and praising the victory of the Japanese army, he also had to record the heroic resistance of the Chinese military and civilians as well as the heinous crimes of burning down and robbing the Japanese army, especially the bloody massacre carried out by the Japanese army after the occupation of Nanjing Some scenes. The small natives also personally killed the captured Chinese officers and men. As Kohara is only a logistic force, his knowledge is limited, but as far as it goes, one can also tell whether the crimes committed by the Japanese army were spotty. The massacre by the Japanese army in Nanjing has long been a historical fact. However, for the first time, the publication of a diary of a soldier in Japan provides evidence of the atrocities committed by the Japanese army. The publication of this diary not only provides the historians with a true source of historical information but also serves as a vivid and negative teaching material for our patriotism education.
【正】 一转世: 活佛是一种具有特殊身份的僧人,意为神的化身。活佛有大中小之分,因此,他们的数量较多,其转世系统也不少,声望最高的两大系统是:以哲蚌寺、甘丹寺、色拉寺等
【正】 新闻出版署党史资料征集领导小组和湖南省、上海市新闻出版局联合倡议召开的中国近现代出版史学术讨论会,1989年11月1日在湖南省大庸市开幕,历时7天。来自23个省、市