
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sangtian1
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《中原经济区发展规划纲要》中提出要以文化为依托提升中原的影响力,推进文化与旅游的融合。要想推进文化与旅游的融合,首先要找到旅游中的文化元素,进行合理开发,将其融入旅游之中。因此本文着重对历史文化名城的旅游吸引物进行分析。近几年,历史文化名城的旅游业经历了从无到有、从小到大的飞速发展,有关历史文化名城旅游开发及发展的问题也日益凸现,中原经济区历史文化名城在旅游开发、发展过程中同样面临不少问题,本文将中原经济区从历史文化名城的旅游吸引物入手,分析其开发现状及存在问题,并提出合理恰当的开发建议,加快中原经济区建设的步伐。 “Central Plains Economic Zone Development Plan” proposed to rely on culture to enhance the influence of the Central Plains, promote the integration of culture and tourism. In order to promote the integration of culture and tourism, we must first find the cultural elements in tourism, make rational development and integrate it into tourism. Therefore, this article focuses on the tourism attraction of historical and cultural city. In recent years, tourism in famous historical and cultural cities has undergone rapid development from scratch and from small to large. The problems concerning the development and development of tourism in famous historical and cultural cities have also become increasingly prominent. The historical and cultural cities in the Central Plains Economic Zone have become a hot spot in tourism development and development In the same area facing many problems, this article will Central Plains Economic Zone from the historical and cultural city tourism attraction to start with, analysis of its development status and existing problems, and put forward reasonable and appropriate development proposals to speed up the pace of construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone.
1994年10月12日,新疆库尔勒启用“铁门关”风景日戳。 铁门关在库尔勒市城北,扼孔雀河上游的陡峭峡谷的出口,是古代进入塔里木盆地的重要孔道。晋代 On October 12, 1994,
《国际公关》:天下智扬做过哪些旅游景区品牌营销活动?  绍兵:天下智扬作为国内唯一致力于旅游公关营销的专业机构,以旅游目的地项目规划设计、旅游景观设计、旅游品牌设计与传播作为核心事业。在景区的品牌营销活动方面已经完成了50多起。其中标志性的活动有“普救寺莺莺塔征婚事件”、“北京白领跪爱普救寺事件”、“九寨沟年度公关营销”、“洽川风景名胜区旅游形象系统设计”、“世界自然遗产张家界宝峰湖2011年度品
单位自印改退批条常见,这里再介绍3例重庆高校使用的改退批条,有比较浓厚的校园色彩。 Unit from the India to withdraw approval of the batch is common, here again in
次仁多吉,驰骋国际登山界的中国登山家,西藏探险队攀登队长,被称为 “雪山雄鹰”、“横跨珠峰第一人”。 次仁多吉,1958年出生,西藏南木林县人。1979年底参加正规登山集训,1
今年5月,以色列为第23届世界电信日发行的纪念邮票(图1)的主题是移动通信。 同我国一样,以色列的电信业正在经历一场翻天覆地的变革,包括加快通信速度和开展电子商务。其主